What People are Commenting
Manners, Cardinals & Human Composting
A Stacked Deck!
Francis is not losing any time preparing for his successor.
Of the 11 cardinals who will lose voting privileges over the next year, all are appointees of either John Paul II or Benedict XVI. Of the 120 cardinals eligible, 82 will have been appointed by Francis, 68.4 percent, above the two-thirds threshold.
For more, read here.
Francis is not losing any time preparing for his successor.
Of the 11 cardinals who will lose voting privileges over the next year, all are appointees of either John Paul II or Benedict XVI. Of the 120 cardinals eligible, 82 will have been appointed by Francis, 68.4 percent, above the two-thirds threshold.
For more, read here.
Human Composting
Beware of Human Composting in California -
New Law Points to Climate Change
Nina Rhea, West Coast Pro-Life
As a Catholic I am very, very offended by this trend. I heard about this out of Washington State and tried to ignore it. Now it's a trending California practice. First came cremation now this horror. Lincoln is a rural town near Sacramento.
"On December 8, 1869, the International Congress of Freemasons imposed it as a duty on all its members to do all in their power to wipe out Catholicity from the face of the earth.
“Cremation was proposed as a suitable means to this end, since it was calculated to gradually undermine the faith of the people in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting." (Fr. John Laux, Catholic Morality (Imprimatur 1932 p. 106.) (Source)
Sacramento Bee, Sep. 19, 2022:
"California will allow human composting under new law."
"Washington was the first state to allow people to choose human composting as an alternative to burial or cremation, followed by Colorado and Oregon. Under the new law, California officials must come up with regulations by 2027. Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, a Bell Garden Democrat, co-introduced the proposal. She extolled the new law’s potential environmental benefits.
Newsom did not provide a comment with his approval of the measure, which was overwhelmingly passed by lawmakers last month. But there was opposition. Before the bill was passed, the California Catholic Conference said the process reduced bodies to a “disposable commodity.” It added that burying bodies, or honoring cremated remains, “comports with the virtually universal norm of reverence and care towards the deceased.”
SEE ALSO: The conspiracy to destroy the Catholic Church was laid forth by the Italian Masonic Lodges.
"The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita" - the Secret Plan sent to the Italian Masons on how to destroy the Catholic Church.
"Lay your nets like Simon Barjona. Lay them in the depths of sacristies, seminaries, and convents, rather than in the depths of the sea, and if you will precipitate nothing you will give yourself a draught of fishes more miraculous than his. The fisher of fishes will become a fisher of men. You will bring yourselves as friends around the Apostolic Chair. You will have fished up a Revolution in Tiara and Cope, marching with Cross and banner-a Revolution which it will need but to be spurred on a little to put the four quarters of the world on fire."
The Alta Vendita: A Masonic Blueprint for Subversion of the Catholic Church. PDF Document - free download.
New Law Points to Climate Change
Nina Rhea, West Coast Pro-Life
As a Catholic I am very, very offended by this trend. I heard about this out of Washington State and tried to ignore it. Now it's a trending California practice. First came cremation now this horror. Lincoln is a rural town near Sacramento.
- Reminder: the human body is sacred in traditional Catholic teaching.
- Beware of the trend among modernist Catholics toward cremation!
- Cremation popularity among Neo Christians - including the Neo Catholic Church - has opened the door to "human composting"
"On December 8, 1869, the International Congress of Freemasons imposed it as a duty on all its members to do all in their power to wipe out Catholicity from the face of the earth.
“Cremation was proposed as a suitable means to this end, since it was calculated to gradually undermine the faith of the people in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting." (Fr. John Laux, Catholic Morality (Imprimatur 1932 p. 106.) (Source)
Sacramento Bee, Sep. 19, 2022:

- [Image of Sacramento Bee's short video about new human decomposting property in Lincoln, California.]
- Juan Martinez, general manager at Morgan Oaks Eternal Preserve, gives a tour of the new, eco-friendly burial cemetery in Lincoln on Earth Day, Thursday, April 22, 2021.
- Burials at the Placer County facility use biodegradable materials.
"Washington was the first state to allow people to choose human composting as an alternative to burial or cremation, followed by Colorado and Oregon. Under the new law, California officials must come up with regulations by 2027. Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, a Bell Garden Democrat, co-introduced the proposal. She extolled the new law’s potential environmental benefits.
- “The wildfires, extreme drought and heat dome we just experienced remind us that climate change is real and detrimental and we must do everything we can to reduce methane and CO2 emissions,” Garcia said in a statement, adding that it took three years for the proposal to pass.
Newsom did not provide a comment with his approval of the measure, which was overwhelmingly passed by lawmakers last month. But there was opposition. Before the bill was passed, the California Catholic Conference said the process reduced bodies to a “disposable commodity.” It added that burying bodies, or honoring cremated remains, “comports with the virtually universal norm of reverence and care towards the deceased.”
SEE ALSO: The conspiracy to destroy the Catholic Church was laid forth by the Italian Masonic Lodges.
"The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita" - the Secret Plan sent to the Italian Masons on how to destroy the Catholic Church.
"Lay your nets like Simon Barjona. Lay them in the depths of sacristies, seminaries, and convents, rather than in the depths of the sea, and if you will precipitate nothing you will give yourself a draught of fishes more miraculous than his. The fisher of fishes will become a fisher of men. You will bring yourselves as friends around the Apostolic Chair. You will have fished up a Revolution in Tiara and Cope, marching with Cross and banner-a Revolution which it will need but to be spurred on a little to put the four quarters of the world on fire."
The Alta Vendita: A Masonic Blueprint for Subversion of the Catholic Church. PDF Document - free download.

Posted September 29, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Chapter 8: Governing the Hands & Feet
- T.L. (YouTube)
- A.S. (YouTube)
- D.S. (Instagram)
- T.T.M.A. (Instagram)
- T.B. (Instagram)
- D.B. (Instagram)
- D.S. (Instagram)
- C.J. (YouTube)
-D.A. (Instagram)