What People are Commenting
Fingerprint, Hats & Amazon Rite
Lucy’s Fingerprint
Dear TIA,
Do you know if the fingerprint on the bottom of the Third Secret letter on your webpage was proven to be Sr. Lucia's fingerprint?
TIA responds:
Dear M.B.,
One of our TIA members went to Fatima, Porto and Tuy, and one of his goals was to check if he could find any indisputable document showing Sister Lucy’s fingerprint to compare with the print we have on that handwritten piece of paper.
He did his best, visited the convents where she was in Porto and Tuy and even entered into contact with members of her family. They told him: “The Vatican took all of her documents.” He could not find anything to make a comparison.
TIA correspondent desk
Do you know if the fingerprint on the bottom of the Third Secret letter on your webpage was proven to be Sr. Lucia's fingerprint?
TIA responds:
Dear M.B.,
One of our TIA members went to Fatima, Porto and Tuy, and one of his goals was to check if he could find any indisputable document showing Sister Lucy’s fingerprint to compare with the print we have on that handwritten piece of paper.
He did his best, visited the convents where she was in Porto and Tuy and even entered into contact with members of her family. They told him: “The Vatican took all of her documents.” He could not find anything to make a comparison.
TIA correspondent desk
Why Not Use Hats?
Hello TIA,
Probably you and your readers will benefit from watching this video: "Why Have Most People Stopped Wearing Hats?"
Everyone used to wear hats, and not baseball hats.
Probably you and your readers will benefit from watching this video: "Why Have Most People Stopped Wearing Hats?"
Everyone used to wear hats, and not baseball hats.
Salve Maria
I have read that one of your readers greeted you by “Salve Maria!”
I find it interesting that Spanish speaking people say “Dios te salve María” as “Hail Mary” in the Rosary.
Which translates to “May God save you Mary.” It can never translate to “God saved you.” Thus it makes zero sense theologically. The Spanish speaking people should use the traditional formula “Ave Maria.”
What does Ave (Latin) mean?
Ave is likely borrowed and mispelled from Punic awe, cognate to Hebrew Eve.
I find it fitting because Sanctissime Beate Mariae Virginis is the new Eve.
Salve meaning Hail in Spanish is defensible. But “Dios te salve” makes zero sense.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is already saved!!! But since it is tradition, people do not even question it.
TIA responds:
Thank you for letting us know your concerns about the salutation Salve Maria.
TIA uses it because it was a custom among the members of the Brazilian Marian Congregations to greet one another this way: Salve Maria! Since Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira was President of the Marian Congregations in Brazil, he maintained the habit of greeting other members in this way. His disciples maintained the same habit among themselves.
In the Portuguese language as well as in Spanish, the salutation Salve is not a prayer to God, but an exaltation of someone. It is equivalent to saying Be praised, be exalted or be blessed.
When Catholics meet and say: Praise be Our Lord Jesus and the others respond: Be praised for ever and ever, they are not praying for Our Lord to be saved, but they are exalting and glorifying Our Lord among men on this earth.
The same reasoning applies to the salutation Salve Maria in Portuguese.
The salutation in Spanish Dios te salve Maria, is equivalent to saying God bless you Mary in English. It is not a prayer to God to save Mary, but it is an eulogy to her in the exact same sense as in the salutation of the Archangel Gabriel to her: Ave Maria gratia plena.
TIA correspondence desk
I have read that one of your readers greeted you by “Salve Maria!”
I find it interesting that Spanish speaking people say “Dios te salve María” as “Hail Mary” in the Rosary.
Which translates to “May God save you Mary.” It can never translate to “God saved you.” Thus it makes zero sense theologically. The Spanish speaking people should use the traditional formula “Ave Maria.”
What does Ave (Latin) mean?
Ave is likely borrowed and mispelled from Punic awe, cognate to Hebrew Eve.
I find it fitting because Sanctissime Beate Mariae Virginis is the new Eve.
Salve meaning Hail in Spanish is defensible. But “Dios te salve” makes zero sense.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is already saved!!! But since it is tradition, people do not even question it.
TIA responds:
Thank you for letting us know your concerns about the salutation Salve Maria.
TIA uses it because it was a custom among the members of the Brazilian Marian Congregations to greet one another this way: Salve Maria! Since Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira was President of the Marian Congregations in Brazil, he maintained the habit of greeting other members in this way. His disciples maintained the same habit among themselves.
In the Portuguese language as well as in Spanish, the salutation Salve is not a prayer to God, but an exaltation of someone. It is equivalent to saying Be praised, be exalted or be blessed.
When Catholics meet and say: Praise be Our Lord Jesus and the others respond: Be praised for ever and ever, they are not praying for Our Lord to be saved, but they are exalting and glorifying Our Lord among men on this earth.
The same reasoning applies to the salutation Salve Maria in Portuguese.
The salutation in Spanish Dios te salve Maria, is equivalent to saying God bless you Mary in English. It is not a prayer to God to save Mary, but it is an eulogy to her in the exact same sense as in the salutation of the Archangel Gabriel to her: Ave Maria gratia plena.
TIA correspondence desk
A Converted Homosexual Speaks Out
Dear Friends at TIA,
+ Ave Maria
My Name is J.C. and I live in London where the Catholic Church is heavily infiltrated by the new age 'Novus Ordo Regime'. Many of the clergy are publicly homosexual and support homosexualist ideology.
The good news is however, I attended an Ignatian retreat in 2014 given by some beautifully orthodox traditional priests from France. As a result, I experienced a powerful outpouring of TRIDENTINE grace which served to lift me out of the practice of homosexuality and into the life of chaste holiness.
These past ten years, I have been acting, by God's grace, as an advocate for the orthodox teaching of the Catholic Church here in the Novus Ordo dominated diocese of Westminster. Needless to say, many of the 'New age Homosexualist' clergy are not happy to have someone like me giving regular witness as a reformed homosexual. The Catholic Church has always held the truth about human sexuality out to all those who seek it - especially the truth of the disordered nature of homosexuality.
This forms a significant aspect of my mission for Christ and HIS Holy Church - to proclaim the sincere message that all sincere homosexual men are called to accept in humility the disordered nature of their sexual orientation and to embrace the empowering call to CHASTITY.
I do this every day by God's grace and, by the way, I live my life through the call to Chastity + Holiness which is the most empowering way of all. Our Lord wants everyone saved according to the Gospel and the teaching of the Catholic Church which means we accept the call to repent.
I thank God for the ever-powerful life-changing graces still outflowing from the Counter-Reformation and on through the Latin Mass of Ages - the one true form of Catholic worship. Amen!
J.C.,+ Staunch Catholic
+ Ave Maria
My Name is J.C. and I live in London where the Catholic Church is heavily infiltrated by the new age 'Novus Ordo Regime'. Many of the clergy are publicly homosexual and support homosexualist ideology.
The good news is however, I attended an Ignatian retreat in 2014 given by some beautifully orthodox traditional priests from France. As a result, I experienced a powerful outpouring of TRIDENTINE grace which served to lift me out of the practice of homosexuality and into the life of chaste holiness.
These past ten years, I have been acting, by God's grace, as an advocate for the orthodox teaching of the Catholic Church here in the Novus Ordo dominated diocese of Westminster. Needless to say, many of the 'New age Homosexualist' clergy are not happy to have someone like me giving regular witness as a reformed homosexual. The Catholic Church has always held the truth about human sexuality out to all those who seek it - especially the truth of the disordered nature of homosexuality.
This forms a significant aspect of my mission for Christ and HIS Holy Church - to proclaim the sincere message that all sincere homosexual men are called to accept in humility the disordered nature of their sexual orientation and to embrace the empowering call to CHASTITY.
I do this every day by God's grace and, by the way, I live my life through the call to Chastity + Holiness which is the most empowering way of all. Our Lord wants everyone saved according to the Gospel and the teaching of the Catholic Church which means we accept the call to repent.
I thank God for the ever-powerful life-changing graces still outflowing from the Counter-Reformation and on through the Latin Mass of Ages - the one true form of Catholic worship. Amen!
J.C.,+ Staunch Catholic
Amazonian Rite Coming Soon
Dear TIA,
The Amazonian “Rite” will be launched at the end of this year.
After the conclusion of the 2024 Second Assembly of CEAMA (Conferencia Eclesial de la Amazonía), which was held in Manaus, Brazil, from August 23-26, 2024, Brazilian theologian Fr. Agenor Brighenti announced that the Amazonian Rite will be launched at the end of this year, followed by a three-year period of "experimentation" and ending in 2028.
Please, read the news report below, translated automatically from this source
In Jesu et Maria,
S.B.Amazonian Rite, ready by the end of this year
The creation of a proper rite of the Pan-Amazonian biome emerged in the heat of the 2019 Synod and is currently in development. Father Agenor Brighenti, coordinator of the Theological Team of the Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano y Caribeño (CELAM), leads this process.
He ensured that “the general framework of the Amazonian rite was handed over to the second assembly [of CEAMA]. Now it must pass through the local churches for their approval and contribution, passing by the episcopal conferences to get to CEAMA. Then, it will be sent to the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments of the Roman Curia."
Father Brighenti detailed that there are 13 commissions working on the rituals of the sacraments and also thinking about the liturgical year of the Amazon, the liturgical space, the liturgy of the hours, among others. This is why he expects to culminate this process at the end of this year to “initiate an experimental application process for three years and conclude in 2028”.
He hopes that the Amazonian rite “will be accepted and approved by the Church so that ecclesial communities can express their faith according to their culture and customs in this immense territory of the Amazon.”
The Amazonian “Rite” will be launched at the end of this year.
After the conclusion of the 2024 Second Assembly of CEAMA (Conferencia Eclesial de la Amazonía), which was held in Manaus, Brazil, from August 23-26, 2024, Brazilian theologian Fr. Agenor Brighenti announced that the Amazonian Rite will be launched at the end of this year, followed by a three-year period of "experimentation" and ending in 2028.
Please, read the news report below, translated automatically from this source
In Jesu et Maria,
The creation of a proper rite of the Pan-Amazonian biome emerged in the heat of the 2019 Synod and is currently in development. Father Agenor Brighenti, coordinator of the Theological Team of the Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano y Caribeño (CELAM), leads this process.
He ensured that “the general framework of the Amazonian rite was handed over to the second assembly [of CEAMA]. Now it must pass through the local churches for their approval and contribution, passing by the episcopal conferences to get to CEAMA. Then, it will be sent to the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments of the Roman Curia."
Father Brighenti detailed that there are 13 commissions working on the rituals of the sacraments and also thinking about the liturgical year of the Amazon, the liturgical space, the liturgy of the hours, among others. This is why he expects to culminate this process at the end of this year to “initiate an experimental application process for three years and conclude in 2028”.
He hopes that the Amazonian rite “will be accepted and approved by the Church so that ecclesial communities can express their faith according to their culture and customs in this immense territory of the Amazon.”
Posted September 3, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: The Mission of the Golden Voyager
I love your ending. All the horror stories of Satan, AI etc with a quick wrap up of God's Wrath and Our Lady's Triumph.
Expectant, joyous Catholics out here. Beaten down by Covid depopulation plans but that chastisement over and we just got stronger, depending on Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Keep talking of Mary! I know you will.