Hate Mail
Ecologist Fury & Middle-of-the-Road Anger
You Attack Things You Don’t Know
If you're about page is real, then your true action needs to be against
protestantism. In the past 500 years nothing has destroyed Christianity more than protestantism, get that straight and the Church will take care of itself.
You're very much like the Church Militant, attack the Church on things you don't know about and then totally ignore protestantism and think life's going to get better, really!
You're very much like the Church Militant, attack the Church on things you don't know about and then totally ignore protestantism and think life's going to get better, really!
Dearest Christina Herath,
I just read your piece titled Catholics do not watch The Chosen! I’m going to be a little harsh..I have to confess, I truly believe now 100% that Traditionalists, such as yourself, view themselves as The Chosen. Jansenism is dead, Christina, but it seems Traditionalists have revived it.
News flash, Jesus will work with protestants too, to help remove the scales from the unbeliever’s eyes, even through a series, like The Chosen, to bring them to Himself. Isn’t that what we’re all about as Catholic Christians..to bring people to Christ? to Evangelize? Vis a vis-Not picking apart an imperfect show like The Chosen to impart your Traditionalist ideology. (That seems to be your motive.)
Perhaps before you harshly criticize someone like Jonathan Roumi implying he’s not worthy enough to play Jesus think of this (you’re not either or nor me-we are all SINNERS!).
Christina, please take a moment to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you, as he did me in this matter of who’s the “holier” one. He guided me to hear “I look at the heart” Yes, even protestants, traditional Catholics, nontraditional Catholics, Jonathan Roumie, or even any cast member, and yay to the progressivist priests who gave it a good reviews? Who died and made you God?
Here’s some word of wisdom FROM GOD, I always have to be reminded of: daily-
People look at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7.
I just read your piece titled Catholics do not watch The Chosen! I’m going to be a little harsh..I have to confess, I truly believe now 100% that Traditionalists, such as yourself, view themselves as The Chosen. Jansenism is dead, Christina, but it seems Traditionalists have revived it.
News flash, Jesus will work with protestants too, to help remove the scales from the unbeliever’s eyes, even through a series, like The Chosen, to bring them to Himself. Isn’t that what we’re all about as Catholic Christians..to bring people to Christ? to Evangelize? Vis a vis-Not picking apart an imperfect show like The Chosen to impart your Traditionalist ideology. (That seems to be your motive.)
Perhaps before you harshly criticize someone like Jonathan Roumi implying he’s not worthy enough to play Jesus think of this (you’re not either or nor me-we are all SINNERS!).
Christina, please take a moment to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you, as he did me in this matter of who’s the “holier” one. He guided me to hear “I look at the heart” Yes, even protestants, traditional Catholics, nontraditional Catholics, Jonathan Roumie, or even any cast member, and yay to the progressivist priests who gave it a good reviews? Who died and made you God?
Here’s some word of wisdom FROM GOD, I always have to be reminded of: daily-
People look at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7.
Totally Wrong
Novus ordo mass is not valid. You need to stop saying a novus ordo Protestant service is a valid mass, you are totally wrong.
The Church Is Wrong on Cremation
Have people looked at the cost of a Catholic funeral with full body internment in a Catholic Cemetery lately? Has anyone???
If the Church today were to insistent upon the ideal form of funeral, then they would be morally obligated to assist the poor in making such funerals possible.
Walk the talk, please.
Or ....just talk much less, Thank you.❤
If the Church today were to insistent upon the ideal form of funeral, then they would be morally obligated to assist the poor in making such funerals possible.
Walk the talk, please.
Or ....just talk much less, Thank you.❤
Wrong & Jealous
Why would you put out a article condemning Divine Mercy Sunday? You say because no repentance is preached like in confession? Let me ask you this who instituted the Sacrament of Baptism? When you are Baptized all your sins to that point are forgiven without any works of repentance are they not? I see people get Baptized and I don’t hear Father say ok do two decades of the Rosary and afterwards your sins will will be washed away. No they are completely washed away from that Sacrament alone in that instant. So why would it be hard to accept that Jesus established another devotion that would essentially do the same thing? God can do as He Wills, He does not need my or your or anyone else’s approval or opinion on what He should or shouldn’t do.
Just like the parable of the workers who were hired at various times of the day but all received the same pay and those who worked longer were jealous of those who worked shorter and what did Our Lord say? Take what you agreed to or are you jealous of my generosity. The Lord is very merciful and it does not just come from the Divine Mercy writings but from the bible and the time Our Lord was here. In a age when evil is rampant so are the graces and blessings of Our Lord.
By the way the diary was inaccurate transcribed originally. Which is why Pope John Paul II approved it after finding out thru investigation. You owe a retraction and investigation of your own.
Just like the parable of the workers who were hired at various times of the day but all received the same pay and those who worked longer were jealous of those who worked shorter and what did Our Lord say? Take what you agreed to or are you jealous of my generosity. The Lord is very merciful and it does not just come from the Divine Mercy writings but from the bible and the time Our Lord was here. In a age when evil is rampant so are the graces and blessings of Our Lord.
By the way the diary was inaccurate transcribed originally. Which is why Pope John Paul II approved it after finding out thru investigation. You owe a retraction and investigation of your own.
Resistance Is Insane
With regard your recent article on the Popes falling into heresy, I believe it was less than convincing. No pope has ever taught heresy whether it be by dogmatic pronouncements or any other manner.
St Robert Bellarmine, in his position said that if a pope would fall into heresy he would ipso facto cease to be pope, but he thought this unlikely, due to the protections of the Holy Ghost promised buy Our Lord.
This trying to pound the square peg into the circle with regard to our current situation post Vatican 2 is insane and many well meaning people are being led astray through false obedience.
Since Vatican 2 the Church has been promoting all types of errors, every pope since then. It is plainly obvious that the current occupant of Santa Marta isn’t Catholic, at least not anymore.
People can’t handle that thought, but would St Peter or any other pope pre Vatican 2 have sprinkled incense to the gods?
His predecessors certainly seemed to think that Ark of Salvation was large enough to encompass all religions through their promotion of ecumenism. I never considered myself to be a sedevacantist before, but if you wouldn’t want your pope to teach your children Catholic catechism there’s a real good chance he isn’t Catholic.
St Robert Bellarmine, in his position said that if a pope would fall into heresy he would ipso facto cease to be pope, but he thought this unlikely, due to the protections of the Holy Ghost promised buy Our Lord.
This trying to pound the square peg into the circle with regard to our current situation post Vatican 2 is insane and many well meaning people are being led astray through false obedience.
Since Vatican 2 the Church has been promoting all types of errors, every pope since then. It is plainly obvious that the current occupant of Santa Marta isn’t Catholic, at least not anymore.
People can’t handle that thought, but would St Peter or any other pope pre Vatican 2 have sprinkled incense to the gods?
His predecessors certainly seemed to think that Ark of Salvation was large enough to encompass all religions through their promotion of ecumenism. I never considered myself to be a sedevacantist before, but if you wouldn’t want your pope to teach your children Catholic catechism there’s a real good chance he isn’t Catholic.

Posted May 28, 2024

God will punish those who deny climate change by incineration thanks to the apparently sainted fossil fuel industry. May climate deniers find themselves in the hottest circle of hell.