
Special Devotions

Virgen del Carmen; Cristo del Gran Poder; San Jose

Devotions to Our Lord

catholicLent & Holy Week

catholicHoly Week:  An Invitation to Love the Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ
A Lenten meditation for true followers of Christ

catholicPage on the Holy Week:  Click here to follow the ceremonies
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday & Holy Saturday, sequence & musics

catholicHoly Week:  The Heroism of Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane
A model of Catholic heroism that perseveres to the end

catholicHoly Week:  'Who Will Stand Up for Me against Evildoers?'
The isolation of Our Lord in His Passion and a call to our total dedication

catholicHoly Week:  The Apostolate of Suffering - Part 1
The suffering of being rejected by one's own milieu

catholicHoly Week:  The Apostolate of Suffering - Part 2
Expiatory suffering to spread the graces of Redemption

catholicHoly Week:  The Apostolate of Suffering - Part 3
Everything sublime is born from sacrifice

catholicHoly Week:  How Should We Follow the Passion of the Catholic Church?
A more enthusiastic love, a unconditional dedication, and a keener combativity

catholicHoly Week:  The Love of the Cross in Today’s Life
True compassion for the Church is to share in her sufferings

catholicHoly Week:  The Three Falls and the Three Degrees of Exhaustion
The meaning behind each of the three falls of Our Lord on the Way of the Cross

catholicHoly Week:  Preparation for Good Friday
Three scenes to contemplate and special graces to request

catholicHoly Week:  God’s Justice and Judas - Part 1
Commentary on ‘Judas, will you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?’

catholicHoly Week:  God’s Justice and Judas - Part 2
Finding the balance between justice and mercy

catholicHoly Week:  Our Lord Taken Prisoner
‘You come to imprison me with swords and staffs...’

catholicHoly Week:  The Reproaches of the Passion - Part 1
The Church laments the ingratitude of the Jews toward their Messiah

catholicHoly Week:  The Reproaches of the Passion - Part 2
How God freed the Jews from Egypt; their bitter retribution in the Passion

catholicHoly Week:  The Reproaches of the Passion - Part 3
How God gave to the Jews in the Holy Land, and how they treated Jesus Christ

catholicHoly Week:  The Seven Last Words of Our Lord
Reactions of the Devil to each of these words, according to Ven. Mary of Agreda

catholicPenitential Psalms

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   The Repentent Heart Calls for Mercy
                  Mercy comes only after the admiration of God's justice

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Supplication of the Sinner Punished by God
                  David pleads for mercy despite his misery

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Public Sinners Comes to Church to Make Penance
                  Difference between the medieval & modern Lenten spirit

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   How Does Grace Invite a Sinner to Convert?
                  When he considers the seriousness of his sin

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   The Joy that Comes from Penance
                  A confidence born from the enthusiasm for God's purity

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 6 -   De Profundis: The Prayer of the Afflicted Soul
                 A well-argued plea calling on the mercy and honor of God


catholicChristmas: Adveniat Regnum Tuum
Asking Our Lady's intervention again in History at Christmas

catholicChristmas: The Little Drummer Boy:  A Magnificent Vocation
How Our Lord touches each soul in a special way

catholicChristmas: Feast of Glory & of Peace
A meditation on how to avoid false glory and good will

catholicChristmas:  He Will Be Called the Prince of Peace
And His reign shall have no end…

catholicChristmas:  The Admiration & Tenderness of Our Lady for Her Newborn Son
A humility turned not toward self, but God

catholicChristmas:  Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ
The thoughts of Our Lady upon seeing the Divine Infant for the first time

catholicChristmas:  The Shepherds of Bethlehem
The angels appear with great tidings of joy

catholicChristmas:  How Silent Night Reflects the German Mentality
A perspective where the sacral must be silent and calm

catholicChristmas:  The Two Advents of Our Lord Jesus Christ
The reasons for the Nativity & the circumstances of the Last Judgment

catholicChristmas:  Three Advents for Three Kinds of Men
Where do you fit in the three kinds of men?

catholicChristmas:  Preparing Soul and Body for Christmas
The ideal Christmas celebration requires a different way of understanding it

catholicChristmas:  The Glorification of Christmas through History
Important events in History that God desired to take place on Christmas

catholicChristmas:  Ara Coeli: Altar of the Heavens for the Santo Bambino
An early Roman Church is a symbol of the triumph of Christianity over Paganism

catholicChristmas:  The Prayer of the Shepherd
A simple shepherd before the Creche can achieve an elevated prayer

catholicChristmas:  Victory over the Three Egoisms
How to conquer the desires for wealth, pleasures & honors

catholicChristmas:  The Symbolism of Purity in the Christmas Scene
The purity & nobility of the ermine represent the qualities of the Divine Infant

catholicThe Sacred Heart

catholic Litany to the Sacred Heart Offers Rich Meditations
The Heart of Jesus, an abyss of supreme majesty and supreme humility

catholic Enthronement to the Sacred Heart
History & promises for those who enthrone Him in their homes

catholic A Statue of the Sacred Heart Emitting Certainty
Analysis of the supernatural traits of a pious statue

catholicDevotion to the Sacred Blood of Jesus Christ Shed in the Passion
Promise of Our Lord to St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Matilda & St. Bridget

catholicWhy Is the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus So Important?
It stimulates the noblest human sentiments & the noblest affections of Divintiy

catholic Honoring Pictures of the Sacred Heart
Words of St. Margaret Mary on this pious practice

catholicPromises of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
In a 1675 revelation Our Lord promised 12 privileges for the faithful

catholic The Counter-Revolutionary Role of the Sacred Heart Devotion
How this devotion should properly be understood

catholicThe Sacred Heart of Jesus: Symbol of Combativity
An aristocratic devotion to form warriors and restore Christendom

catholicSacred Heart:  The Sky of Lorraine and the Kingdom of Our Lord
How Christ reigns over each individual, province and people

catholicThe Five First Saturdays & Nine First Fridays
The conditions requested by Heaven to make them

catholicDevotion & Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus
Promises made to a Carmelite nun in the 19th century

catholicThe Heart of the Son Is Contained in the Heart of the Mother
St. John Eudes, precursor to the Sacred Heart devotion

catholic The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
The Blood of Christ is the fountain of salvation

catholic The Devotions to Our Lady & Our Lord Are Inseparable
A man is not a true Catholic without devotion to the Mother of God

catholicThe Origin of the Feast of Corpus Christi
The mission of St. Juliana of Liege & role of the Miracle of Orvieto

catholic The Holy Eucharist - Corpus Christi
The marvelous means Our Lord chose to remain with men on earth

catholicSeries on the Eucharist

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   The Magnitude of the Gift of the Holy Eucharist
                 Comments on a meditation of St. Ignatius of Loyola

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Our Debt of Gratitude to the Holy Eucharist
                 "How can you resist a God Who gives Himself to you?"

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   ‘Be Confounded by Your Ingratitude’
                 We should receive Our Lord abounding in confidence

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Our Lord’s Affection in Giving Us the Eucharist
                 The time & way Christ instituted it & the difficulties He experienced

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   The Value and Efficacy of the Holy Eucharist
                 "After receiving this gift, how can I refuse You anything?"

catholicThe Christ Child Crucified on Mount Pichincha
"You must be heroes in the terrible times to come"

Devotions to Our Lady

catholic Slavery to Mary - 4: The Devil's Hatred of True Devotion to Mary
A mysterious hand hides the manuscript & destroys part of it

catholic Slavery to Mary - 3: The Rewards of Practicing Slavery to Mary
'The Holy Ghost will come in abundance to produce wonders of grace'

catholic Slavery to Mary - 2: Our Lady Will be Queen of Hearts
We must 'breathe Mary as the body breathes air'

catholic Slavery to Mary - 1: The Wonderful Effects Our Lady Works in Souls
What comes from Her lasts forever

catholic The Wise & Immaculate Heart of Mary
How Our Lady practiced the virtue of wisdom

catholic Our Lady Help of Christians: A Second Victory with Napoleon
Our Lady frees Pope Pius VII from captivity & converts the tyrant

catholic Pray the Impossible Requests Novena
Beginning on the Annuncation and ending on Christmas

catholic The Purification - Its Mystery
A prophecy fulfilled as Our Lord entered the Temple

catholicA Visit to Our Lady of Belén
Testimony of two pilgrims to Carmel Mission

catholicOur Lady of Knock

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   The Silence Veils a Secret
                  Report of the apparition

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Our Lady of Knock & the Apparition at La Salette - 2
                  A comparison of two important 19th century Marian apparitions

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Our Lady Appears at Knock during Her Crowning at La Salette
                  Knock must be seen in light of La Salette's dire message

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Our Lady of Knock & Our Lady of Lourdes
                  Both confirm papal declarations

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   An Approaching Storm
                  The Fatima warning prefigured by Our Lady of Knock

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 6 -   Knock, Mediatrix of All Graces & Immaculate Heart of Mary
                  Knock foresees these two Marian devotions

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 7 -   St. John in the Apparition of Knock
                  Why is the Apostle wearing a miter & carrying the Apocalypse?

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 8 -   The Living Bishop, St. John
                  Is Knock telling us that the Apostle has a role to play in end times?

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 9 -   St. John Is Alive, According to Saints
                  The faithful Bishop who confirms the Apostolic Succession

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 10 -   Popes & Hierarchy Oppose Our Lady’s Messages
                  Common points in La Salette, Lourdes, Knock & Fatima

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 11 -   A Message Hidden & Defiled by Vatican II Hierarchy
                  All is joy, peace and ecumenism at the Shrine...

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 12 -   The Lamb & Altar in the Knock Apparition
                  The progressivists use Knock to promote the New Mass

catholicThe Heart of the Son Is Contained in the Heart of the Mother
St. John Eudes, precursor to the Sacred Heart devotion

catholicDevotion to Maria Bambina
How this devotion was born in Milan & the miracles it worked

catholicA Proposal to Sing the Salve Regina
A brief history of the prayer that has enchanted the Catholic world

catholicThe Devotions to Our Lady & Our Lord Are Inseparable
A man is not a true Catholic without devotion to the Mother of God

catholicMary, the Finder of Grace - Inventrix Gratiae
Why the Church calls Mary 'our life, our sweetness and our hope'

catholicPius IX and the Immaculate Conception
Her beauty, power and protection for sinners

catholicCanon Bacci & Our Lady of Genezzano
In gratitude for a great grace, he spreads her devotion

catholicOur Lady of Prompt Succor, a Patroness for Americans
Her miraculous protection at the Battle of New Orleans

catholicThe Virgin of the Dew - La Virgen del Rocio
A million people honor Our Lady in a traditional Spanish procession - Slide show

catholicOur Lady of Good Success
Testimonies, articles, prayers and questions about Our Lady of Good Success

catholicOur Lady of Fatima
The Third Secret refers to the corruption of the Hierarchy

catholicFatima Issues
A page dedicated to the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima

catholicThe Immaculate Conception of Our Lady
Her intransigence and combativeness are counterparts to her purity

catholicThe Nativity of Our Lady
When the victory of the Devil was complete, she was born, sealing his destruction

catholicThe Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple
In her life in the Temple, she began her preparation to be the Mother of Our Lord

catholicThe Annunciation and the Incarnation of the Word
Jesus living in Mary's womb is a mystery that contains all the others

catholicThe Visitation of Our Lady
The Magnificat refutes a sentimental piety that prevails in many Catholic circles

catholicThe Divine Maternity of Our Lady
Since she is the Mother of God, she is also the Mother of all men - and our Mother

catholicThe Assumption of Our Lady
The different joys Our Lady experienced in her Assumption and Coronation

catholicThe Queenship of Our Lady
To follow the will of Our Lady on earth is to defend the Church in today's crisis

catholicOur Lady Queen of the Angels
Asking her to send her Angels to smash the demonic influence of the Revolution

catholicOur Lady of the Rosary
Rosary: a means of salvation & a powerful weapon against evil

catholicOur Lady, Seat of Wisdom
The greatest means to attain wisdom is through the devotion to the Our Lady

catholicOur Lady of the Miracle
The conversion of Ratisbonnne was a strong blow to the Revolution

catholicOur Lady of Lourdes
The great lesson of Lourdes is the acceptance of our sufferings

catholicOur Lady of Good Counsel of Genazzano
First impressions on standing before this picture of Mother and Son

catholicOur Lady of Good Counsel and Pettrucia
The unwavering hope of one woman is rewarded with a great miracle

catholicLa Macarena – Our Hope
A photo-history of one of the most popular devotions of Holy Week in Seville

catholicOur Lady Help of Christians
Just as at Lepanto, Our Lady has a victory prepared for us today

catholicOur Lady of Mount Carmel
The Carmel Order and its link with the mystery of Fatima

catholicOur Lady of Confidence
Our Lady promised those who venerate this image special protection in crisis

catholicOur Lady of the Abandoned Ones
A majestic statue in Valencia who protects her abandoned children

catholicOur Lady of Guadalupe
The courtesy of Juan Diego in his dealings with Our Lady

catholicOur Lady of Nazareth
An important devotion that traveled from the Old world to the New

catholicOur Lady of Las Lajas
No scientist can explain how the marvelous picture is imprinted in the rock

catholicOur Lady of Almudena, Patroness of Madrid
The confidence of the Crusaders is rewarded by the discovery of her statue

catholicOur Lady of Perpetual Help
The rich symbolism of each part of the Byzantine painting

catholicMater Admirabilis - Mother Most Admirable
A model ideal for young women and ladies in the world

catholicLa Conquistadora, Our Country's Oldest Devotion to Our Lady
An important reminder of Our Lady's place in American history

catholicOur Lady of Kazan and its Relation to the Fatima Message
Russia has not converted and the Icon should not return to the Schismatics

catholicThe Rosary and the Scapular: Weapons against Pride and Sensuality
Gifts from Out Lady to help us combat our revolutionary tendencies

Devotions to St. Joseph

catholic The Humiliation of St. Joseph - Part 1
One refusal after another in Bethlehem

catholic Finally, A Shepherd's Cave for Christ's Birth - Part 2
Rejected by friends & family, St Joseph recalls a grotto outside the city

catholic The Great Night Draws Near - Part 3
Our Lady & St. Joseph prepare with great calmness & dignity

catholic Christ Is Born in Light & Splendor - Part 4
The marvelous happenings of Christmas night

catholic Going to St. Joseph in a Time of Chaos
Increasing our devotion to the Patron of the Catholic Church

catholicSt. Joseph, an Undervalued Saint
Our Lady advises us to have more recourse to this Great Saint

catholicThe Feast Day of St. Joseph
His role taking care of Our Lord and Our Lady

catholicWith St. Joseph at Christmas: In a Sea of Peace
A journey inside the soul of the great Patriarch a little before his Son was born

catholicThe Importance of Devotion to St. Joseph
St. Teresa of Avila and St. Alphonsus Liguori pay homage to the great Saint

catholicPrayer to St. Joseph
To make our family a family of saints

catholicThe Great St. Joseph
A book rich in data about the Patron of the Church

Devotions to Special Saints

catholicVen. Antonio Margil: Apostle of New Spain and Texas
The epic story of the Franciscan miracle worker of the Americas

catholicSt. Philippine Duchesne: Failures Became Her Success
Her life was a series of failures; her perseverance & prayer earned her Heaven

catholicSt. Therese of the Child Jesus: Master of Her Temperament
A visage that reveals grandeur, suffering and serenity

catholicA Tribute to St. Philomena
In thanksgiving for continual favors received

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