What People Are Commenting
The Vatican Document on Homosexuals in Seminaries
A Vatican document stops short of a sweeping ban on homosexuals entering the priesthood, allowing those who have lived chastely for three years to be candidates for the clergy, a Senior Vatican official said Friday. The Italian weekly Panorama said in its Friday editions that Pope Benedict XVI approved the document during the summer" [Quote taken from today's newspaper].
How can this be? Atila's book: Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia contains quotes from Popes and Saints plus the Bible that completely refute what is coming out from the Vatican. What gives?
May God bless you for all the great work you are doing. May Our Lady always guide, protect and inspire you in all you think, do or say.
Why the Silence on Homosexual Seminarians?
Why aren't conservative Catholics shocked that this Vatican document on homosexuals and the priesthood effectively loosens restrictions on homosexuals becoming priests?
The 1961 document on selecting and training candidates for Holy Orders said the following: "Advancement to religious vows and ordination should be barred to those who are afflicted with evil tendencies to homosexuality or pederasty, since for them the common life and the priestly ministry would constitute serious dangers" ("Careful Selection and Training of Candidates for the States of Perfection and Sacred Orders," Feb. 2, 1961)
It was not applied or followed, but at least it was unambiguous and straightforward - No one with evil tendencies to homosexuality should be a priest.
The new document, approved by Pope Ratzinger, is more ambiguous. Now, a homosexual who has been free from 'deep-seated' tendencies for three years can be accepted. Rather than an outright ban on the admission of homosexuals, the document will disqualify "those who practice homosexuality, who possess deeply rooted homosexual tendencies, or who sustain the so-called 'gay culture.'" Nowhere does it define what is meant by 'deeply rooted' tendencies. This document opens the door wide for homosexuals who say they have been 'celibate' for three years prior to ordination to the deaconate.
And the greatest irony - the same Bishops who have protected homosexuals and made this mess we are in will be the ones to determine the 'maturity' of homosexual candidates.
What I don't understand is why conservative Catholics keep praising this document as affirming Church teaching. In fact, it weakens the previous teaching, which had already been weakened by none other than Cardinal Ratzinger who initiated the tolerant position of accepting and respecting the homosexual person. This is clearly documented by Atila Guimaraes in his book Vatican II, Homosexuality and Pedophilia, (pp. 52-55) but no one talks about that. Why not?
Please keep up your good work. And thank you Mr. Guimaraes, for having the courage to tell it like it is in your books on Vatican II.
In Christo Rex,
Posted December 10, 2005

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