What People are Commenting
Same Sex Nativities & Virgin Marriages
Ihr Mörser Erknallet
Today’s traditional music, “Ihr Moeser Erknaellet,” is delightful in the words, the music and the rendition!
Today’s traditional music, “Ihr Moeser Erknaellet,” is delightful in the words, the music and the rendition!
Frustration with Progressivist Teaching
Re: Did Benedict XVI Believe in the Resurrection?
“Adam is code for first ape turned man.”
The diabolical part, they never said this that directly. More nuanced.
AND they hid, didn’t mention, this was Catholic then, this is what they changed it to. Oh, no!!
Couldn’t be that direct. Decades lost, much pain. And I just always wanted to be Catholic, even a bad one. Wretches.
So tell me, I was certainly in state of mortal sin. But I had help! Horrible wolves. Can I offer up pain of prior decades, as Our Lady of Fatima wanted.
I think not, but...
Re: Did Benedict XVI Believe in the Resurrection?
“Adam is code for first ape turned man.”
The diabolical part, they never said this that directly. More nuanced.
AND they hid, didn’t mention, this was Catholic then, this is what they changed it to. Oh, no!!
Couldn’t be that direct. Decades lost, much pain. And I just always wanted to be Catholic, even a bad one. Wretches.
So tell me, I was certainly in state of mortal sin. But I had help! Horrible wolves. Can I offer up pain of prior decades, as Our Lady of Fatima wanted.
I think not, but...
Effects of Fiducia Supplicans
Dear TIA,
On December 19, one day after the Vatican released the declaration Fiducia supplicans allowing priests to bless same sex “couples,” Fr. James Martin gave his blessing to these two men. [photo below]
Who is glad with this permission? Who is sad? The answer should tell you what the intention of Pope Francis and Card. Fernandez was.
With this encouragement coming from the Vatican, we don’t know where the arrogance of the homosexuals will end.
Read more here.
On December 19, one day after the Vatican released the declaration Fiducia supplicans allowing priests to bless same sex “couples,” Fr. James Martin gave his blessing to these two men. [photo below]
Who is glad with this permission? Who is sad? The answer should tell you what the intention of Pope Francis and Card. Fernandez was.
With this encouragement coming from the Vatican, we don’t know where the arrogance of the homosexuals will end.
Read more here.

Same Sex Nativities
Dear TIA,
At this end of 2023, the Italian political party PIU EUROPA issued a Christmas virtual card in which we see two Marys in one scene and two St. Josephs [photo below] in another made with the obvious purpose of legitimizing homosexual “marriage.” It is an absurd and a blasphemy.
I don’t know of any condemnation by the religious authorities in Italy…
Keep up the good work during this New Year.
At this end of 2023, the Italian political party PIU EUROPA issued a Christmas virtual card in which we see two Marys in one scene and two St. Josephs [photo below] in another made with the obvious purpose of legitimizing homosexual “marriage.” It is an absurd and a blasphemy.
I don’t know of any condemnation by the religious authorities in Italy…
Keep up the good work during this New Year.

Attending Mass & Defending the Faith
Dear TIA writers,
As I have found much useful information from your page and also read your criticism towards different traditional Catholic organizations - I´m interested to know: where do you go to mass? And what are the reasons for such a decision?
Joined in defending Catholic faith,
TIA responds:
Dear L.K.,
We appreciate very much your decision and are pleased that in some way we were instrumental in this.
The reasons why we do not go to Novus Ordo Mass you may find by perusing this page. We adopt a position of resistance toward the doctrines taught by the conciliar Popes that are in contradiction with the previous Catholic Magisterium, although we believe they still hold the powers of jurisdiction and orders.
For more on this Resistance, you may check this page.
We have our headquarters in Los Angeles County. We go to Mass at: the Armenian Catholic Rite – St. Gregory Cathedral in Glendale; Our Lady Help of Christian in Garden Grove, independent but now being “conquered” by SSPX; SS. Peter and Paul Church in Wilmington, at a Traditional Mass said by the Norbertines.
We are glad you joined the fight to defend Holy Mother Church and the Catholic Faith.
TIA correspondence desk
As I have found much useful information from your page and also read your criticism towards different traditional Catholic organizations - I´m interested to know: where do you go to mass? And what are the reasons for such a decision?
Joined in defending Catholic faith,
TIA responds:
Dear L.K.,
We appreciate very much your decision and are pleased that in some way we were instrumental in this.
The reasons why we do not go to Novus Ordo Mass you may find by perusing this page. We adopt a position of resistance toward the doctrines taught by the conciliar Popes that are in contradiction with the previous Catholic Magisterium, although we believe they still hold the powers of jurisdiction and orders.
For more on this Resistance, you may check this page.
We have our headquarters in Los Angeles County. We go to Mass at: the Armenian Catholic Rite – St. Gregory Cathedral in Glendale; Our Lady Help of Christian in Garden Grove, independent but now being “conquered” by SSPX; SS. Peter and Paul Church in Wilmington, at a Traditional Mass said by the Norbertines.
We are glad you joined the fight to defend Holy Mother Church and the Catholic Faith.
TIA correspondence desk
Virgin Marriages
Good morning from Peru.
I am Y.Q., a few days ago a friend shared with me several articles about virginity, I thank you for that, I would like to know if you have any articles or if you can recommend a book that talks about virgin marriage, how Maria and Jose lived, a priest told me of white marriage.
I would appreciate it if you give me any reference on this matter.
Thank you very much and may God bless you.
TIA responds:
Good evening Y.Q.,
We wish you a blessed New Year. We are glad to hear that you have profited from our articles on virginity.
Unfortunately, we do not know of any books on virgin marriages. We know from History that in some marriages the spouses out of virtue decide in common accord to keep their chastity, as in the case of the Emperor St. Henry and the Empress St. Cunegunde. It is a very beautiful exception, which finds its model in the most pure marriage of St. Joseph and Our Lady.
However, this is not the rule for marriages. Those who want to keep their virginity either enter the religious life or remain virgin or chaste in their life in the world as a lay single man or woman.
In some cases the couple has a normal marriage, and after some years they decide to live chastely.
Louis and Zelie Martin, the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux, were at first considering a virgin marriage; however, a wise priest instructed them to live a normal marriage and have children. It is through this union that we were given the incomparable Little Flower whose life and spirituality became ornaments for the Church.
So, the call for this type of marriage is very, very rare. It is only for exceptional vocations.
Therefore, proper discernment is needed before embarking on such a rare state of life.
We hope these considerations are helpful to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Good morning from Peru.
I am Y.Q., a few days ago a friend shared with me several articles about virginity, I thank you for that, I would like to know if you have any articles or if you can recommend a book that talks about virgin marriage, how Maria and Jose lived, a priest told me of white marriage.
I would appreciate it if you give me any reference on this matter.
Thank you very much and may God bless you.
TIA responds:
Good evening Y.Q.,
We wish you a blessed New Year. We are glad to hear that you have profited from our articles on virginity.
Unfortunately, we do not know of any books on virgin marriages. We know from History that in some marriages the spouses out of virtue decide in common accord to keep their chastity, as in the case of the Emperor St. Henry and the Empress St. Cunegunde. It is a very beautiful exception, which finds its model in the most pure marriage of St. Joseph and Our Lady.
However, this is not the rule for marriages. Those who want to keep their virginity either enter the religious life or remain virgin or chaste in their life in the world as a lay single man or woman.
In some cases the couple has a normal marriage, and after some years they decide to live chastely.
Louis and Zelie Martin, the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux, were at first considering a virgin marriage; however, a wise priest instructed them to live a normal marriage and have children. It is through this union that we were given the incomparable Little Flower whose life and spirituality became ornaments for the Church.
So, the call for this type of marriage is very, very rare. It is only for exceptional vocations.
Therefore, proper discernment is needed before embarking on such a rare state of life.
We hope these considerations are helpful to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted January 2, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Here‘s a New Year prayer from St Gemma !!!
During this new year I resolve to begin a new life.
I do not know what will happen to me during this year.
But I abandon myself entirely to Thee, my God.
And my aspirations and all my affections will be for Thee.
I feel so weak, dear Jesus, but with Thy help I hope and resolve to live a different life;
that is, a life closer to Thee.’
St. Gemma Galgani