An Invitation to Love the Holy Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ A Lenten meditation by Prof. Plinio for true followers of Christ
Devotion to St. Anne
Part 1 - The Efficacy in Heaven of Good St. Anne The more we love St. Anne, the more we please her Daughter
Part 2 - Charlemagne Discovers the Relics of St. Anne A miracle reveals the crypt that guarded this great treasure
Part 3 - St. Anne in the Old & New World Popular pilgrimage sites of St. Anne d'Auray & St. Anne de Beaupre
St. Peter’s Sword
How to be a true counter-revolutionary
St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Expiatory Victim Her Little Way is a great & simple path for everyone
 | Penitential Psalms
Part 1 - The Repentent Heart Calls for Mercy Mercy comes only after the admiration of God's justice
Part 2 - Supplication of the Sinner Punished by God David pleads for mercy despite his misery
Part 3 - Public Sinners Comes to Church to Make Penance Difference between the medieval & modern Lenten spirit
Part 4 - How Does Grace Invite a Sinner to Convert? When he considers the seriousness of his sin
Part 5 - The Joy that Comes from Penance A confidence born from the enthusiasm for God's purity
Part 6 - De Profundis: The Prayer of the Afflicted Soul A well-argued plea calling on the mercy and honor of God
Aromas of Heaven, Odors of Hell & Lukewarm The lukewarn despise whole truth &vy moral duty
The Duty to Fight
Part 1 - A War for the Reign of Christ
The duty to fight in the spiritual &poral spheres
Part 2 - The War that Jesus Christ Came to Bring 'I call you to fight against Communism & Progressivism'
Part 3 - Accepting or Rejecting the Call to Fight We will answer for it at our Judgment
 | True & False Paths to Happiness
Part 1 - True & False Paths to Happiness
False roads men take to find happiness
Part 2 - Happiness & Our Final End
Immolation for a purpose vs. egoism
Part 3 - The Happiness of an Idealistic Child
First innocence gives rise to certainties about God
Part 4 - The Concept of First Innocence
Maintaining the first equilibrium & harmony God gave the soul
Part 5 - Calmness, an Integral Part of Innocence
The good child has a natural openness & calm way of seeing the world
Part 6 - The Fight Is another Dimension of Innocence The first battle appears: To hold to the ideal or fit in the world
Part 7 - Innocence Reaches its Plentitude as One Matures True innocence is sagacious and astute
Part 8 - Innocence in Centuries Past
The Middle Ages conserved this spirit
Part 9 - Is It Possible to Recover Innocence?
The Restoration Prayer to Our Lady
Part 10 - Fulfilling Our Own Model Ideal
From the first innocence of childhod to old age
Part 11 - Sacral Contemplation, the Antidote to Secularism Correct contemplation of the temporal order
Part 12 - Finding the Sacral in the Temporal Sphere Understanding the distinction between sacral & sacred
Part 13 - A Well-Ordered Temporal Society Is a Symbol of God The secular onslaught of modern society opposes its sacralization
Part 14 -
Relativism Destroys the Opposition between Good & Evil Evil is related to error & ugliness; it leads to Atheism
Part 15 - Admiring the Superior & the Inferior
Admiration is a window to reach the pinnacle of reality
Part 16 - We Assimilate What We Admire At the end of the path of admiration is God Himself
Part 17 - The Link between Reality & the Symbol
The bridge between the visible & the invisible is the symbol
Part 18 - The Search for the Profound Meaning of Things The symbolic meaning leads us upward to God
Part 19 - The Symbolic Character of All Aspects of Reality To be open to symbols is a condition for spiritual progress
Part 20 - Nausea of Normalcy & Thirst for the Absolute Seeking the absolute in all things natural & supernatural
Part 21 - Different Ways to Seek the Absolute
By removing oneself from creatures or by contemplating them
Part 22 - False Absolutes that Lead Man Astray
Man wrongly seeks the absolute in satisfying his vices
Part 23 - Awakening the 'Roar' of the Absolutes in Man The broken modern man needs to re-discover the absolutes
Part 24 - The 'Fourth Way' of St. Thomas Wakens the Thirst for God Men ascend by degrees in the contemplation of God
Part 25 - The Pyramid of Archetypes that Lead to God 'I want more' - a continuous movement of a Catholic soul
Part 26 - The Essential Role of Archetypes
How higher persons set the tone for a Catholic society
Part 27 - Catholics Should Make Exercises of Transcendence Seeking in everyday things the infinite perfections of God
Part 28 - An Exercise of Transcendence: The Castle of La Mota Three steps we can take to reach the Absolute
Part 29 - Transparency & Transcendence: Nuances & Distinctions Seeing the deepest meaning in persons & things around us
Part 30 - Certain Aspects of Reality Are Best Expressed by Art Even photos can transcend reality & express profundities
Part 31 - The Splendors of Mystery
The sublimities of mystery lead to the contemplation of God
Part 32 - A God without Mysteries Would Not be God They make us feel our nothingness before God
Part 33 - The Harmonious Symphony of the World of the Possibles Imagining things that do not exist but could exist
Part 34 - The World of the Possibles
When the Messiah became a possible for Our Lady
Part 35 - A Transcendent Vision of Reality: The Transphere Imagining the cone of Mount Fujiyama
Part 36 - Mythical Men of the Transphere
Three persons who transcended reality & became myths
Part 37 - Man Must be Open to the Splendors of the Transphere The eminent actions of men resonate in the transphere
 | Thirst for Souls
Part 1 - Presuppositions to Understand the Thirst for Souls Three possible positions to take toward others
Part 2 - Different Types of Egoism & Sociability The interested man & the Calvinist
Part 3 - Types of Romantic Affection Reflected differently in the German and Latino spirits
Part 4 - Disordered & Ordered Way of Contemplating Nature One leads to self-adoration, the other to admiration of the Creator
Part 5 - Contemplation of a Spiritual Nature One human soul is worth more than all material things
Part 6 - The Beauty of a Spiritual Soul How souls are only things of true value in this world
Part 7 - The Thirst for Souls Is the Key of the Apostolate Helping souls to fulfill their resemblance of God
 | The Vocation of Lay Celibacy
Part 1 - The Answer for a Broken World The restoration of the Church & Christendom relies on lay celibacy
Part 2 - Virginity, the Angels & Our Lady The greatest weapon of Our Lady against the Devil is virginity
Part 3 - Virginity, Original Sin & Marriage In Paradise virginity was a greater adornment than the crown of kings
Part 4 - Calvin: The Celibate Vocation Is 'Intolerable' The hatred against lay celibacy is common among Protestants
Part 5 - Objections: St. John Chrysostom Is Wrong on Marriage His opinion was confirmed in the way the Word of God became flesh
Part 6 - Objections: Conception through the Word Is Not Catholic Christ generates His children through
the word in the Sacraments
Part 7 - Objections: Conception thorough the Word Is against Natural Law The pollination of plants is effected without sexual contact
Part 8 - Objections: The Marital Act Has Nothing Impure in It A sentiment of dishonor and shame is linked to it
Part 9 - Historical Precedents for Lay Celibacy Saints who chose to be single & fight for the Church
Part 10 - Models of Lay Celibacy in History Saints who prove the single state is not due to 'failed circumstances'
Part 11 - St. Rose of Lima: Lay Celibate by the Wish of Our Lady Her virtue practiced at home inspires Lima and all of Peru
 | The Personality of St. Therese of Lisieux
Part 1 - St .Therese’s Photograph: First Impressions Purity, baptismal innocence & an internal reflective order
Part 2 - Her Gaze and Her Contemplative Soul Her gaze hovers in a sphere much more superior than normal thoughts
Part 3 - Childhood: The Principal Stage of
Her Life How would we react to this extraordinary soul?
 | Trio of Counter-Revolutionary Virtues
Part 1 - Spain’s Fervor in the Civil War & Its Decadence The short life of the zeal rekindled by the Spanish Civil War
Part 2 - The Lack of Vigilance and the Role of 'White Heresy' The trio of counter-revolutionary virtues must be applied to oneself first
Part 3 - Applying Mistrust, Vigilance and Pugnacity toward Others The Reign of Mary will be short-lived without vigilance
Gaining the Kingdom of Heaven through True Charity Sermon for the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
Souls Gentle without Weakness & Strong without Brutality Analyzing the physiognomies of a great Abbot and strong Bishop
The Government of the Good Shepherd Sermon for the 2nd Sunday after Easter
Characteristics of a Man of Faith Sermon for the 20th Sunday after Pentecost
Audacity of Heresy & Chivalrous Humility Sermon for the 16th Sunday after Pentecost
Is the Guardian Angel Less Intelligent than the Devil? A romantic art depicts the good angel as soft, insipid & unintelligent spirits
 | The Heroism of Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane A model of Catholic heroism that perseveres to the end
 | The Crusader Spirit
Part 1 - True Love Is Proved by Dedication & Combativity The Crusader spirit every man is called to have
Part 2 - Today the Sepulcher of Christ Is the Catholic Church The obligation to fight error in the Church
Part 3 - The Crusader's Defense of Orthodoxy Entering the arena with a combative spirit
 | The Beauty of Suffering Last thoughts of Lyle J. Arnold shortly before his death
 | Three Souls, One Page The confidence in Our Lady we need for the fight
 | The Chastity of Malchus - Part 1 St. Jerome reports his early life as a son, a monk and a slave
 | The Chastity of Malchus - Part 2 Malchus escapes from slavery and the persecution of his master
 | An Unknown Prophecy of St. Therese She foresees the errors of a materialist science
 | Be Wise as Serpents and Simple as Doves The animal world has lessons for man
 | This Is a Pre-Life Forming a character worthy of eternal happiness
 | ‘Everything Is Reflected in the Eyes’ Analyzing the gazes of Dom Gueranger and St. Philip Neri
 | Is Holiness Sentimental Softness or Strength of Soul? Two different ways of presenting St. Therese of the Child Jesus
 | Courage and Dedication Analysis of two quotes by Machiavelli
 | The Unparalleled Virtues of the Mother of God Her virtues surpasse that of the ensemble of saints
 | Living the Spirit of Reparation Without fighting the enemies of the Church our reparation is incomplete
 | Monsieur Louis Martin, His Humiliation and Suffering "The greatest trial that can fall upon a man"
 | Last Years of Monsieur Louis Martin Celine writes to Carmel: "Our Papa is in Heaven"
 | Alphonse Ratisbonne’s Conversion - Part 1 The account of Baron Theodore de Bussieres, who witnessed it
 | Alphonse Ratisbonne’s Conversion - Part 2 The afermath of the apparition and its effect on his soul
 | How to Guard Holy Purity Cardinal Bacci's guidelines for the fight against impurity
 | God’s Justice and Judas - Part 1 Commentary on "Judas, Will you betray the Son of Man with a Kiss?"
 | God’s Justice and Judas - Part 2 Finding the balance between justice and mercy
 | Wisdom: the Queen of Virtues Wisdom inspires man to discern the ensemble of creation
 | Series on Purity
Part 1 - First Principles on Purity Sins against the 6th & 9th Commandments; why they are forbidden
Part 2 - Divorce, Free Love & Damaged Children Disastrous results on the number of children and their formation
Part 3 - Prejudices against Chastity and Virginity Complacence for the adulterous man and rigor for the "old maid"
Part 4 - Why Impurity Leads to a Materialist Spirit The lowest of the senses, the sense of touch, is most dominant
Part 5 - The Material Man vs. the Spiritual Man The practice of purity forms a man acquainted with superior thoughts
Part 6 - The Strength, Glory & Fecundity of Chastity A chaste soul irradiates harmony, becoming an element of civilization
 | The Military Virtues Every Catholic Must Have The enthusiasm for the fight members of the Militant Church should have
 | St. Cyricus and St. Julitta, Models of Catholic Heroism The non-sentimental joy of the mother when her son preceded her in martyrdom
 | Nobility and Accessibility: Keys of the Catholic Charity Princess Mathilde of Belgium gives us a charming example
 | St. Philippine Duchesne: Failures Became Her Success Her life and difficult apostolate in America
 | The Lesson of Lourdes on Suffering The many miracles there encourage us to accept physical and spiritual afflictions
 | The Self-Mastery of St. Therese of the Child Jesus How she controlled her temperament and bad tendencies to achieve santicty
 | Perseverance in Prayer Thirty-nine years of prayer are crowned with the graces requested
 | Suffering and Resignation The testimony of a mother who lost her child
 | The Grace of Contrition and the Reign of Mary We need to repent from our revoluionary sins in order to rebuild Christendom
 | The Sniper and the Novissima Meditating on the last things prepares us to die at any moment