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January 2003   -   December 2003

catholicThe Cuban Fiasco / Wrong Glasses to Analyze AIDS  -  Bird's Eye View by A. S. Guimarães - December 31, 2003
catholicPope St. Sylvester, December 31  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - December 31, 2003
catholicChristmas: Victory over the Three Egoisms -  A Christmas meditation based on St. Ignatius by Atila Sinke Guimarães - December 18, 2003
catholicThe Symbolism of Purity in the Christmas Scene -  Marian T. Horvat makes a Christmas meditation on the symbolism of the ermine - December 18, 2003
catholicVen. Mother Therese of St. Augustine, December 23  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - December 16, 2003
catholicVatican Official Finds New Pretext to Attack America -  Gary Morella comments on the recent inane remarks of Cardinal Martino - December 17, 2003
catholicDid Cardinal Law Fall from Grace? -  One year ago Cardinal Law handed his resignation to John Paul II at the Vatican. What is his status there today? - December 16, 2003
catholicSt. Adelaide, December 16  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - December 16, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Comic Pope - Picture 3: A ridiculous "Superpope" preparing to fly - December 16, 2003
catholicSt. Ambrose, December 7 -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the apostolate of presence and the balance of the spiritual-temporal powers - December 10, 2003
catholicSt. Nicholas -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira on the transformation of the Saint into the secular figure - December 9, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Comic Pope - Picture 2: The Pope looks cross-eyed to make the photographers laugh - December 8, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Comic Pope - Picture 1: JPII tries to be funny for the photographers - December 2, 2003
catholicFalse Liberty -  Joseph Sheppard shows how false liberty is being accepted today - November 28, 2003
catholicMounting Evidence -  Andrew Criado points to mounting evidence that proves Iraq's connection to Al Qaeda, despite liberals' denials - November 28, 2003
catholicSt. Saturninus, November 29  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 26, 2003
catholicDoes Hell Exist? Read The Letter From Beyond  -  Most Americans still believe in Hell, but think no one goes there. Read this highly instructive letter from a young woman who refused to take God and Judgment seriously - November 24, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  John Paul II kisses the hand of Rowan Williams, head of the Anglican sect - November 24, 2003
catholicSecret Spells Barbie and the Tendential Revolution  -  A Wiccan Barbie helps to "mainstream" witchcraft. - November 21, 2003
catholicTalking Out of Both Sides of Their Mouths  -  Gary Morella comments on the Bishops' statement on same-sex unions - November 20, 2003
catholicSt. Edmund, November 21  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 19, 2003
catholicThe Progressivist Challenge to Fatima  -  A. S. Guimarães comments on the recently announced inter-faith shrine planned for Fatima - November 18, 2003
catholicSt. Elizabeth of Hungary, November 19  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 18, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Picture 3: More indecent acrobatics at the Vatican - November 18, 2003
catholicA Most Effective Enemy  -  Joseph Sheppard points out factors causing waning support of the war in Iraq - November 13, 2003
catholicSt. Martin of Tours, November 11  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 11, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Picture 2: Indecent acrobatics at the Vatican - November 10, 2003
catholicBlessed Nuno Alvares Pereira, November 6  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - November 4, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Picture 1: Indecent acrobatics at the Vatican - November 3, 2003
catholic What about the Orthodoxy of Mother Teresa?  -  Her thinking on religious pluralism and her miracle raise concern about her beatification. - October 29, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Picture 3: The nude native woman leaves the altar and returns to her place - October 27, 2003
catholicSt. Faro, October 28  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 27, 2003
catholicTraditionalist Issues  -  New Page of Hot Topics of interest to Catholic traditionalists - October 24, 2003
catholicNothing New in the New Age  -  Joseph Sheppard points out an egalitarian and occult spirit behind the New Age movement - October 24, 2003
catholicStopping the Saudis  -  Alex Alexiev analyzes the currents in Islam that encourage the holy war and terrorism, and shows Saudi Arabi's role in financing them. - October 23, 2003
catholicBuddhism Promoted at Chicago's Loyola University  -  Some bad fruits of inter-religious dialogue illustrated in Talks with Jan - October 22, 2003
catholicThe World's Pope / Traditionalist Marriage with the Vatican  -  Bird's Eye View - October 20, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Picture 2: The native woman leaves JPII's presence after presenting the Offertory gifts - October 20, 2003
catholicSt. Peter of Alcantara, October 22  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 20, 2003
catholicChildren of Mixed Marriages and Indifferentism  -  Children of interfaith marriages - Gary Morella comments on the progressivist orientation - October 14, 2003
catholicSt. Teresa of Avila, October 15  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 13, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Picture 1: A nude native woman presents the Offertory gifts for the Supreme Pontiff's Mass - October 13, 2003
catholicThe Waning Authority of the Church in the Temporal Sphere  -  Joseph Sheppard analyzes the lack of influence of the Catholic Church today in civil affairs - October 12, 2003
catholicTen Questions on the War  -  A. S. Guimarães answers timely questions from readers - October 7, 2003
catholicEcoterrorism shows up in California  -  A violent face of the Green Movement - October 7, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  The papabile Cardinal Claudio Hummes [Sao Paulo, Brazil] supports a Communist president and his terrorist adviser - October 6, 2003
catholicSt. Bruno, October 6  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - October 3, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  John Paul II blesses a young acrobat in skintight leotards - September 30, 2003
catholicSt. Therese of the Child Jesus: Master of her Temperament, October 3  -  September 28, 2003
catholicThe New Mass: A Flavor of Protestantism  -  Dr. Marian Horvat continues her Talks with Jan - September 23, 2003
catholicSt. Thecla, September 23  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 22, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  At a Eucharistic Congress, in place of a spiritual devotion, a rock concert - September 22, 2003
catholicThe Testimony of a Military Chaplain  -  Fr. Gommar A. DePauw still awaits a theologian to debate his position on the war. He also praises the book War, Just War - September 22, 2003
catholicAn Egotist Papal Star / Women Hearing Confessions / A Bizarre New God  -  Bird's Eye View - September 19, 2003
catholicAn Open Letter to Osama bin Laden  -  Michael W. Johnson, Ph.D. exposes myths of Islam - September 17, 2003
catholicTrivializing Holy Things  -  Joseph Sheppard reflects on the trend of secularization since Vatican II - September 17, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Nudity enters the Basilica of St. Peter at the Special Synod for Oceania - September 15, 2003
catholicSt. Robert Bellarmine, September 17  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 15, 2003
catholicBook Review on War, Just War  -  by Jonathan Tuttle - September 12, 2003
catholicTIA's Tribute to the Victims of September 11, Their Families, and Our Heroic Troops  -  September 11, 2003
catholicOpen Letter to the Catholic Bishops  -  Gary Morella asks them to remove pedophiles from the priesthood and homosexuals from the seminaries - September 10, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Pope emerges from teepee in Indian-style vestments - September 9, 2003
catholicSt. Adrian, September 8  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - September 7, 2003
catholicThe Ten Commandments: A Rock of Scandal to the Modern World  -  Joseph Sheppard analyzes the ban of the Decalogue from public places - September 4, 2003
catholicAn Anti-Anglo Anglican Church / A Solemn Banality / Celibacy Challenged / Postponed Trip  -  Bird's Eye View - September 2, 2003
catholicTalks with Jan: Everyone Isn't Good  -  First Article of a New Column - Marian Horvat answers questions of friends and readers on the crisis in the Church - September 1, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  An acrobatic performance at the Vatican for the Pope - September 1, 2003
catholicSt. Fiacre, September 1  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 30, 2003
catholicCharlemagne  -  New Page - Biographical Data, His personality, A tribute by Dom Geranger, Many pictures - August 29, 2003
catholicThe Mother of All Hate Crimes -  Joseph Sheppard points out that legislators who favor homosexuality, abortion and euthansia are mocking the laws of God - August 26, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Young women hula dance for the Pope - August 25, 2003
catholicSt. Louis IX, King of France, August 25  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 23, 2003
catholicSt. Jane Frances de Chantal, August 21  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 20, 2003
catholicRatzinger, a Toothless Lion  -  Bird's Eye View - August 19, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Loss of sacrality: JPII rubs noses with a New Zealander - August 18, 2003
catholicTitles, Abbreviations, and Signs of Respect  -  Marian Horvat answers question on how to address priests and religious - August 17, 2003
catholicCharismatics, Devils and Modernists  -  Guimarães comments on the Catholic charismatic movement - August 13, 2003
catholicSt. Alexander the Charcoal-Burner, August 11  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 11, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  A woman with a bare torso reads the Epistle at a papal Mass - August 11, 2003
catholicPope Pius X on Priestly Dignity and Propriety  -  A Pictorial Commentary on Pius X's Counsel to Priests - August 8, 2003
catholicSt. Philomena, Wonder Worker  -  A tribute by Ellyn Miller - August 8, 2003
catholicSt. Cajetan of Thiene, August 7  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - August 7, 2003
catholicWill John Paul II Return the Icon of Kazan to an Unconverted Russia?  -  Another attempt to close the door on the Fatima message - August 5, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  The Pope encourages liturgical excesses - inculturation. - August 4, 2003
catholicSt. Ignatius Loyola, July 31  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 29, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  A smiling JPII shakes the hand of a bare-breasted native woman - July 28, 2003
catholicVatican II: A Mirage that Disappears / More than 1,000 Cases / A Network of Horror  -  Bird's Eye View - July 26, 2003
catholicBlessed Urban II, July 29  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 25, 2003
catholicElias the Prophet, July 20  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 17, 2003
catholicHepburn and Mephistopheles - Why is Katharine Hepburn being praised as a role model for women? - July 16, 2003
catholicGay Anglican bishops / Driving under the Influence / Cleaning up the Picture / A Singing Kasper - Bird's Eye View - July 13, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Inculturation: JPII wearing an African headdress - July 13, 2003
catholicPope St. Pius I, July 11  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 11, 2003
catholicSts. Cyril and Methodius, July 7  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - July 7, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  JPII as a showman in New York - July 2, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  JPII greets baton majorettes in mini-skirts - June 23, 2003
catholicSt. John the Baptist, June 24  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 22, 2003
catholicMoral Criteria for Just War and the Progressivist Utopia of Peace - Part  IV  -  Traditional teaching also applies to the new way of waging war inaugurated by the two Gulf wars. - June 20, 2003
catholicSt. Aloysius Gonzaga, June 21  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 20, 2003
catholicToo Much Read into Too Little  -  Some Catholic conservatives read too much into the remark about homosexuality that Cardinal Arinze made at Georgetown University. - June 18, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Openness to a new morality - JP II poses with semi-naked native women - June 16, 2003
catholicSt. Basil the Great, June 14  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 12, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  Young women in leotards dance for John Paul II - June 11, 2003
catholicBlessed Pedro Rodrigues, June 11  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - June 9, 2003
catholicMoral Criteria for Just War and the Progressivist Utopia of Peace - Part  III  -  Pius XII applied the same doctrine of the past to a possible nuclear war - June 7, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  JPII steps forward to embrace the rabbi of Rome - June 3, 2003
catholicMoral Criteria for Just War and the Progressivist Utopia of Peace - Part  II  -  Guimarães expounds the Catholic principles that governed the war until Hiroshima and Nagasaki - June 1, 2003
catholicSt. Joan of Arc, May 30  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 28, 2003
catholicMoral Criteria for Just War and the Progressivist Utopia of Peace - Part  I  -  Guimarães distinguishes the four phases of war in order to apply Catholic Moral doctrine to them - May 27, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures  -  JPII kisses the widow of Mexican presidential candidate Colosio - May 27, 2003
catholicPope St. Gregory VII, May 25  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 22, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Already in the early 1960s Paul VI introduced the practice of the standing Communion - May 19, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Paul VI wears the symbol worn exclusively by the Jewish high priest - May 12, 2003
catholicSt. Mayeul, May 11  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 9, 2003
catholicSt. John at the Latin Gate, May 6  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 4, 2003
catholicSt. Ansfrid, May 3  -  Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - May 1, 2003
catholicIs There Nothing Worse than War? - Marian T. Horvat pictures the situation under the Hussein regime - April 29, 2003
catholicThe Tides of War - Jonathan Tuttle competently refutes anti-war arguments - April 28, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - JPII dances to rock music with the youth - April 28, 2003
catholicSt. Louis Grignion de Montfort, April 28 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 27, 2003
catholicTrue Peace Will Not Be Achieved Until the End of Time - Gary Morella - April 27, 2003
catholicJohn Paul II's Criteria for War Do Not Reflect Catholic Doctrine - Guimarães analyzes the Pope's position on the Iraq war - April 24, 2003
catholicThe Inconsistent Statement of Archbishop Martino  - Gary Morella -  April 22, 2003
catholicA Kinder, Gentler Military: Good Thesis, Faulty Conclusion  -  Horvat reviews the book The Kinder, Gentler Military: How Political Correctness Affects Our Ability to Win Wars - April 22, 2003
catholicIraq - A Catholic Paradise? - Bird's Eye View - April 19, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - JPII greets natives in Papua New Guinea - April 21, 2003
catholicThe War: To the "Defeated" Go the Spoils  -  Fr. James Schall S.J. sets aside war objections. April 19, 2003
catholicDissenting From the Dissent  -  Matthew Anger proposes terms for the Iraq war debate - April 18, 2003
catholicThe Hours: A Moral Abyss  -  Horvat reviews the Paramount film The Hours - April 18, 2003
catholicSt. Leo IX, April 19 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 16, 2003
catholicJust War Supported in Scriptures - Guimarães shows how the just war is supported by the Old and New Testaments. April 15, 2003
catholicSt. Ardalion, April 14 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 14, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Cardinal Wojtyla in Very Casual Dress - April 14, 2003
catholicThe Seven Last Words - A Holy Week meditation on the last words of Christ on the Cross and an analogy for our times - April 14, 2003
catholicShadow Over the United Nations / Atomic and Chemical Weapons - Bird's Eye View - April 11, 2003
catholicYes, It Is a Just War - Guimarães sets out strong arguments in favor of this war.- April 8, 2003
catholicSt. Leo the Great, April 11 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 8, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - Picture of the Week: Scantily dressed women acrobats perform at the Vatican before John Paul II - April 7, 2003
catholicAbout Fashion - Questions and Answers on the Topic of Fashion in Women's Clothing - April 4, 2003
catholicMisguided Strategies - A. S. Guimarães examines the position of anti-war traditionalists - April 3, 2003
catholicSt. Cunegundes, April 3 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - April 1, 2003
catholicChurch Revolution in Pictures - NEW PAGE - Each week we will feature a photo that illustrates Progressivism in the Church - March 31, 2003
catholicWAR: Please Don't Swallow the Bait / Frustrated Invitations / Catholic Hierarchy Encourages Violence / Reduced to the Status of Minor - Bird's Eye View - March 26, 2003
catholicSt. John of Capistrano, March 28 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 26, 2003
catholicCrisis In Ecumenism - A collection of articles by Atila Sinke Guimarães - March 24, 2003
catholicSt. Toribio de Mogrovejo, March 23 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 21, 2003
catholicYou Cannot Condemn Women Wearing Trousers Today! - Yes, certainly you can. - A reader in London disagrees with Cardinal's Siri admonition against women wearing trousers. - Follow the discussion on our NEW PAGE: Objections - March 17, 2003
catholicPapal Poetry - Bird's Eye View - March 15, 2003
catholicThe Mystery of the 'Smoking Gun' Papal Letter - The comments about John Paul II regarding the cover-up scandal are wrong, says an objecter. No, they are sound. Here is new evidence. - Follow the debate - NEW PAGE: Objections - March 15, 2003
catholicSt. Clement Marie Hofbauer, March 15 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 12, 2003
catholicHomosexuality and the Clergy - A collection of articles by Atila Sinke Guimarães - March 12, 2003
catholicCourtesy - An Essential Element of the Catholic Home - Cultural Page: Manners, Customs, Clothing - March 9, 2003
catholicSt. Frances of Rome, March 9 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 6, 2003
catholicThe Pedophilia Crisis - A collection of articles by Atila Sinke Guimarães - March 3, 2003
catholicSt. Casimir, March 3 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - March 1, 2003
catholicThe Debasement of Knighthood - Cultural Page: Ambiences and States of Spirit - March 1, 2003
catholicSt. Ethelbert of Kent, February 25 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 23, 2003
catholicUpcoming Visit to the Synagogue /Open Archive / Anglican confrontation / Masons Out! / Once a Jesuit, Always a Jesuit - Bird's Eye View - February 21, 2003
catholicPerseverance in Prayer - Religious Page: Catholic Virtues - February 21, 2003
catholicFra Angelico, February 18 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 16, 2003
catholicResponse to a Spineless Pamphleteer Does the Canon Law Society of America really support the accusations of the spineless pamphleteer? - February 14, 2003
catholicVisit our newly designed Polemics Page - New Section:  Challenges - February 14, 2003
catholicA Black-out on Black - Cultural Page: Manners, Customs, Clothing - February 14, 2003
catholicSt. Scholastica, February 10 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - February 9, 2003
catholicQuestions about the Past and Present Day Relations Between TIA (Tradition In Action) and TFP (Tradition, Family and Property) - What People Are Asking - February 5, 2003
catholicVatican Permits Transsexuals / Castro and JPII: The Same "Faith in Evolution" / No More Ecumenism, Say Baptists / Vatican III Postponed - Bird's Eye View - February 1, 2003
catholicSt. Joan of Valois, February 4 - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrê;a de Oliveira - February 1, 2003
catholicTestimonies from our Readers - Favors granted and miracles worked by Our Lady of Good Success - February 1, 2003
catholicLanguage Is the Dress of Thought - Cultural Page: Manners, Customs, Clothing - February 1, 2003
catholicLa Conquistadora, Our Country's Oldest Madonna - Religious Page: Special devotions - February 1, 2003
catholicSt. James of Tarentaise, January 28 - The Saint of the Day - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 26, 2003
catholicLeçon des Choses: Styles Reflect the Moral Profile of Peoples and Epochs - Cultural Page: Manners, Customs, Clothing - January 26, 2003
catholic The Papal Letter / Checking on Russia's Conversion - Bird's Eye View - January 17, 2003
catholicSt. Agnes, January 21 - The Saint of the Day - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 17, 2003
catholicFast Food Is Protestant - Cultural Page: Manners, Customs, Clothing - January 17, 2003
catholicQuestions from Readers on the Collection Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani? - January 17, 2003
catholicSt. Benedict Biscop, January 12 - The Saint of the Day - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 9, 2003
catholicSt. Genevieve, January 3 - The Saint of the Day - Commentary by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira - January 3, 2003

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