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catholic Guardians of Tradition: A Plea for Coexistence & Nothing More - Part 4
The role of Catholic militancy is forgotten

catholic Three Blaring Errors in A Perfect Storm - Part 3
No good Novus Ordo, no holy Paul VI, no 'new springtime'

catholic A Revisionist History to Favor the Council - Part 2
 Mass of the Ages makes excuses for Paul VI & Vatican II

catholic Mass of the Ages: Beautifully Misleading - Part 1
Episode 1 shows the beauty of the Old Mass, but with a utopian note

catholic The Jesus Film: A Natural Portrayal of the Divine
Sentimental & weak without the sanctity & grandeur of Christ

catholic Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame:Tolerance for Sin & Error
A rightous 'villain,' a seductive 'heroine' & a 'happy ending'

catholic Conclave: The Patriarchal Church Is Dead
Scandals & intrigue end with a surprise: An intersex pope

catholic Boss Baby Presents Stupid Parents & Ill-bred 'Kids'
A flawed & modern depiction of family life & authority

catholicDisney’s Coco

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Paganizing Día de los Muertos
                  An enticing 'family' story, but nothing Catholic in it

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   The Catholic Origins of Día de los Muertos
                  How the All Souls Day customs developed in Mexico

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Paganism Dominates Coco's Mexican Feast Day
                  Checking bad tendencies in Día de los Muertos

catholic Analyzing Movies from a Counter-Revolutionary Perspective - Part 1
Romanticism & egalitarianism in Hollywood films

catholic The Bad Spirit of Spontaneity & Optimism in Movies - Part 2
Rare to find a Hollywood film without these revolutionary faults 

catholic A Feminist Rendition of the Great Missionary Mother Cabrini
A false portrayal of the Saint with fictitious scenes & lines

catholicDisney’s Wish (2023)

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Gnostic Initiation for Children
                  A subtle doctrine encourages youth to revolt against the Catholic Faith

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Mimicking God & Catholic Symbols
                  Disney chooses to parody Catholic symbols & architecture

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Gnostic & Occult Symbols
                  Disney reveals its dark side: gnostic, Masonic& satanic elements

catholic Journey to Bethlehem: Profane Trip to a Fantasy Land
A feminist Mary, fictional plot, blasphemous scenes

catholic A Flawed & Mundane Mary of Nazareth
Filled with false history, feminism & blasphemies

catholic A Foolish & Revolutionary Depiction of St. Francis of Assisi
Brother Sun, Sister Moon distorts & blasphemes the real Saint

catholic Barbie 2023: Feminist Ideology Dressed in Pink & Frills
Barbie leaves Barbieland & enters the real world

catholicThe Pope Answers

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   A Frontal Attack on Faith & Morals
                  A Disney+ movie features Francis approving lesbians & porn stars

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Revolutionary Ambiences & Gestures
                  A hippy-tribal atmosphere opposed to past papal ceremony

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Francis Attacks Religious Life
                  He maligns the Church & favors a lesbian ex-nun

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Francis Fuels Racist Class-Struggle
                  Conservative immigration called 'egoist'; colonization 'embarassing'

catholic Talking Tom and Friends: Not an Innocent Conservative Show
Like most children's TV, it fosters virtual reality, vulgarity & vice

catholic Jesus Revolution Is the Hippie Revolution in Religion
Celebrating a movment that should be soundly rejected

catholic Cinderella 2021: Not the Sweet Good Princess We Knew
She wanted a career rather than a Prince

catholic Jesus Christ Superstar - Bad Now, Then & Always
A confused Christ & a misunderstood 'hero' Judas

catholic A Horrendous Cannibal Romance
Bones and All tries to make cannibalism appetizing to the youth... 

catholic Catholics, Do Not Watch The Chosen
Serious flaws & blasphemies against Our Lady

catholic When the World Loves Despair
Movie review of The Way

catholic Father Stu: A Blasphemous & Irreverent 'Redemption Story'
Enter the sheep yard and smell the manure...

catholic A Morbid Tale for an Ungodly Society
Movie/book review of Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

catholic Death on the Nile: What a Shame!
Magnificent panoramas, but too many revolutionary compromises

catholic Distorting the Message of Fatima to Fit Progressivism
The 2020 film Fatima omits facts & ignores the real message

catholic Flaws of the Four Sisters in Little Women - Part 1
Feminist tendencies in the novel come to their fruition in the film

catholic Egalitarianism, Tolerance & Independence in Little Women - Part 2
The flawed characters of Marmee and Laurie

catholic Louisa May Alcott: A Transcendentalist Pioneer of Feminism - Part 3
Preparing the tendencies for the hippie & feminist revolution

catholic Marvel Universe 6: Feminism, Mediocrity & Abandonment of the Fight
The best become the worst in Avengers: Endgame

catholic How American Jews Secularized Christmas through Music
Review of Weinstein's documentary Dreaming of a Jewish Christmas

catholicThe Marvel Universe

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   An Unreal & Dangerous World
                  Movie review of Infinity War (2018) and Endgame (2019)

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   An Invitation to a Gnostic & Evolutionary World View
                  Fans are seduced into accepting lies & myths as truth & reality

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Genocide to Restore Balance to the Universe
                  Tribalism & population control enter a Marvel Universe that rejects God

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   The Revolution in the Tendencies in The Avengers
                  Vulgarity & constant joking set the tone

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   A World Where Suffering & Merit Have No Meaning
                  Inducing people to revolt against God when a chastisement happens

catholic ‘Into the Unknown’: Occult Tribalism - 1
Review of the Disney films Frozen 1 (2013) and Frozen 2 (2019) - Part 1

catholic Anti-colonialism, Shamanism & Feminism - 2
Review of the Disney films Frozen 1 (2013) and Frozen 2 (2019) - Part 2

catholic The New Hero: The Villain
Review of the Disney show Villainous (2019)

catholic The Lion King: Tribalism in a Virtual Reality
The doctrine behind an ‘innocent’ movie

catholic Are Dinosaurs Equal to Humans?
Movie review of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)

catholic Dazzling & Sumptuous Revolutionary Ideas
'Love conquers all' in Crazy Rich Asians

catholic Toy Story 4 Promotes LGBT Agenda with Lesbian Moms Scene
A sip of poison served in popular Disney film

catholic A Feminist Revolt against the Natural Order
Movie review of Aladdin (2019)

catholic The Blood of Martyrs Is the Seed of Christians
Movie review of Paul, Apostle of Christ

catholicThe Vatican’s Nostalgia for the Beatles
Praising their revolution that unleashed the era of free love & drugs

catholicWill the KGB Kill Edward Snowden?
Oliver Stone's Snowden makes a hero of a traitor

The Vatican’s Depraved Sex-Ed Program for Youth -  Graphic photos
A shameless show of modern morality & immodest imagery

catholic Democrats’ Racist Roots Examined in New Film
Hillary's America reveals the secret history of the Democratic Pary

catholicWinter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom
A moving documentary that records Ukraine's present day plight

catholicThe Black Legend of the Inquisition Put to Rest
Movie review of Timewatch - The Spanish Inquisition, BBC special

catholicEvil at the Movies
Movie review of Bless the Child and Ouija

catholicDetrimental Upshots of Noah
False messages carved into memories

catholicNoah’s Theosophic Underpinnings – Part 1
An upside-down account of Creation favoring the Green Revolution

catholicNoah - The Rest of the Story – Part 2
A completely unbiblical account of the Flood & God's alliance with man

catholic How Hollywood Prepared for the ‘60s
Inserting subversive messages in the films of the '50s

catholicA Jolting End to Amour
A film supporting euthanasia is praised & promoted by the media

catholicThe Exorcist Movie & Novel: Not Recommended
Horror and exaggerations with only one point in its favor

catholic Vatican Radio Applauds Bold Lesbian Film
Blue Is The Warmest Color wins award at the Cannes festival

catholicBrave: Feminist & Progressivist
A premiere showing & high praise at the Rimini Meeting

catholicThe Strange Message in the 2012 Olympics Opening
Marxist history joins with tribalist customs to announce a new era

catholicA Historic Lesson: The Danger of the Compromise
Movie Review of For Greater Glory: The True Story of Cristiada

catholicJosé Sánchez del Rio, Martyr for Christ the King
Movie review of For Greater Glory

catholicHow Did We Reach This Point?
Review of the TV series Pretty Little Liars, Degrassi, 90210 and Glee

catholicHollywood’s Disinformation on Freemasonry
Movie review of National Treasure

catholicA Systematic Campaign against Catholic Spain
Movie review of Goya's Ghost

catholicAn Occult Spain Reborn from Paganism
Movie review of Pan's Labyrinth

catholicBella: An Incomplete Catholic Message
Movie review of Bella

catholicDon’t Watch this Protestant Nativity
Movie review of The Nativity Story

catholicMarie Antoinette - Her Myth and an Attempt To Destroy It
Movie review of Marie Antoinette

catholicThe Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded & The Matrix Revolution
Review of The Matrix trilogy

catholicThe Passion of the Christ - A Wasted Oppportunity?
Movie revue on The Passion of Christ

catholicAnother False Portrayal of the South American Masses...
Movie review on Evita

catholicThe Hours: A Moral Abyss
Movie review of The Hours

catholicA Chocolat Laced with Poison
Movie review of Chocolat

catholicThe Messenger: A Distorted View of St. Joan of Arc
Movie review of The Messenger

catholicNourishing an Appetite for the Marvelous
With a word on the vulgar animated movie Shrek

Hollywood & Pop Stars

catholic Analyzing Movies from a Counter-Revolutionary Perspective
Romanticism & Egalitarianism in Hollywood films

catholic Sr. Cristina Sings for LGBT
For the competition 'The World's Best' she sings 'Born this Way'

catholic Please Explain the Magic in Narnia & Middle Earth
General reviews of The Chronicles of Narnia & The Lord of the Rings

catholic Heavy Metal: Origin & Main Bands
Steeped in an occult and Satanist 'spirituality'

catholicDoes Francis Endorse the Blasphemies of Scorsese?
The Pope receives the director of The Last Temptation of Christ

catholicFrancis Awards Hollywood Pro-aborts
George Clooney, Salma Hayek & Richard Gere awarded by the Pope

catholicDavid Evans (The Edge) Invited to Perform at the Sistine Chapel
Rock concert desecrates that symbolic place

catholicSuor Cristina Joins Sister Act Musical
Grotesque rock parodies of the religious life

catholic Androgynous David Bowie Glorified by the Vatican
Burning incense at the altar of an occult rock star

catholicRock 'n Roll - Satanic Music

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 1 -   Its Origins & Its Promoters
                  Born to glorify the sexual act & liberate lower instincts

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 2 -   Its Evolution to Hard & Acid Rock
                  Direct link between rock, drugs & the occult

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 3 -   Rock's Subliminal Satanic Messages Are Unmasked
                  Words, rhythm, signals & lights violate one's consciousness

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 4 -   Examples of Subliminal Messages in Rock Music
                  Testimonies of rock stars confessing their techniques

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 5 -   From Subliminal to Direct Messages
                  Satanic messages are spread without dissimulation

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 6 -   Witchcraft, Voodoo, Rock & Disco
                   These groups are funded by the Illuminati

blank.gif - 807 BytesPart 7 -   Entering the Battle against Rock
                  Practical measures & good counsels for formation of youth

catholicFrancis Receives Pop Star Martina Stoessel
Papal blessing for her performance of Imagine

catholicSuor Cristina's Hugs & Gestures
Improper poses of the nun-pop-star

catholicFrancis Endorses Career of Angelina Jolie -  Graphic photos
Received at the Vatican without restrictions

catholicSatanic Presence at the 2015 Grammy Awards
The world rocks out its highway to Hell

catholicAmerica’s Enemies in Hollywood Then & Now - Part 1
Communist fellow travelers have long influenced the film industry

catholicAmerica’s Enemies in Hollywood Then & Now - Part 2
Hollywood’s love for Cuban Communism & Islamism

catholicPope Embraces 'Hot Model' Wanda Nara -  Graphic photos
Argentine TV & magazine immoral model meets with Francis

catholicL’Osservatore Romano: Two Thumbs Up to Harry Potter
Vatican newspaper implicitly approves black magic

catholicSchwarzenegger Flexing Muscles for Moscow
U.S. authorities give Medvedev the best of our electronic technology

catholicHarry Potter Film Praised by Vatican Newspaper
A 4-star rating for a film that makes casting spells look fun

catholicThe Vatican Approves John Lennon: An Ill-timed Act
Vatican paper commemorates the Beatles' White Album

catholicThe Vatican’s Incomprehensible Praise of Michael Jackson
The new 'sign of the time' of approving rock music and its extravagant stars

catholicThe Vatican Recommends Michael Jackson
L'Osservatore Romano chooses a Top Ten list of rock albums

catholicThe High Moral Damage of Rock Music
On Michael Jackson's bad influence on youth

catholicHomosexual Marriage and Democracy
Arnold Schwarzenegger scorning the decision of the people of California

catholicLennon - Prophet of the Devil
How the Beatles shaped the habits and thinking of our times

catholicJohn Lennon’s Pact with Satan
Compelling evidence about how he rose to fame and died

catholicMore Data on the Satanism of John Lennon
A reader concur with information on Lennon's relation with the occult

catholicHarry Potter & the Fight between Good and Evil
Books and movies to make children accept magic and Satanism

catholicThe Debasement of Knighthood
Mick Jagger dubbed knight by the Queen of England

catholicHepburn & Mephistopheles
Why is Katharine Hepburn being praised as a role model for women?

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