The Human Origins of Covid-19 How the Pandemic came from a lab leak
in Wuhan
Government Officially Admits its Pandemic Lies The recently released report on Covid vindicates doubters
Gates Sways Trump to Sideline Vaccine Skeptics Trump is already getting rid of vaccine opponents
UK Finds 95% of Covid-19 Deaths Were among the Vaccinated The world is waking up to a grim reality
The Death of King George V: A Stimulus for Euthanasia? His murder - no longer shocking to an amoral public
Pfizer, Moderna, J&J: Will Grand Juries Recommend Criminal Charges? Efforts to hold leaders accountable for the vaccine injured
How Myocarditis Became the Silent Scandal of Covid Vaccination Definitive timeline proving the vax causes heart inflammation & death
 | The Great Cloud of Disrepute Loss of trust escalates after the insane pandemic lockdowns
Covid Summit at the European Parliament Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare against humanity
Sorry, This is Not Going Away Lessons from the Covid War: An Assessment, another Covid cover-up
Bang: Switzerland Withdraws All Covid Vaccination Recommendations Doctors now liable for vax consequences
Jab’s Spike Protein Speeds Age & Death It invades all organs & make them quickly decay
Japan Launches Official Investigation into Covid Vaccine Deaths Finds high temperatures, inflammation, spike protein throughout bodies
Shots Increase Risk of Myocarditis by 13,200% CDC study finds the vax causes rise in this heart disease
Globalists Instill Fear over ‘Tripledemic’ of Covid, Flu & RSV First targets are pregnant women, newborns & seniors
Scientists Find Nanotechnology in Covid-19 Injections Something 'non-biological' never seen before
Swedish Study: Pfizer Covid Vax Alters DNA within 6 Hours Catastrophic implications of 'hacking the software of life'
Will This Be D.C.’s Last March for Life? The Gestational Age Act could begin to turn the tide
Ivermectin Has Caused a 97% Drop in Covid Cases in India US ignores evidence that could save thousands of lives
Another Covid Myth Dies the Death Covid does not spread through surfaces
From Shots to Clots Science shows COVID vaccines cause blood clots
Vaccine’s Potential Harmful Side-Effects Challenge to medical field to release death numbers from Covid vaccine
The Collapse of Trust in Public Health Reputation of ‘science’ & medical field in tatters
Mask-Wearing Represents Fear & Blind Obedience, Not Science No justification for fanatical commitment to wearing the mask
Fauci Knew About HCQ in 2005 - Nobody Needed to Die Safe, effective & cheap: Why was it rejected?
N.Y. Judge Saves Elderly Patient by Ordering Ivermectin Genocide against elderly is in full swing worldwide
It Is an Abuse to Call This a Vaccine It doesn't produce immunity or disrupt transmission of the virus
 | Prominent Virologist Exposes ‘Major Risks’ of Gene-Altering Vaccine German Dr. Sucharit Bhakd warns of its serious effects
 | Nurses & Hospital Staff Refuse to Take Covid Vaccine in Large Numbers Despite pressure & hype, doubt & fears grow
 | Top Pathologist: Covid Is the Greatest Hoax Ever Dr. Roger Hodkinson in deposition to Canadian government officials
 | In 2011 WHO Warned Against ‘Culture of Fear’ Now WHO ignores the wise warning it gave...
 | Top Epidemiologists Issue The Great Barrington Declaration Condemns unprecedented use of state compulsion in the Covid-19 pandemic
 | Open Letter from Belgian Doctors to Authorities & Media There is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore
 | Lockdowns Don’t Work, Period Clear evidence that draconian, unscientific, arbitrary lockdowns are futile
 | Masks Do Not Work, Period Doctors: No proof to back the illusory belief they prevent Covid-19
 | Appeal to a Fading Common Sense Owner of a food chain in Florida has not enforced masks: almost none sick
 | Mask Mandates Drive Discord & Division Many oppose this sign of our newly imposed communist dictators
 | Pandemics & the Liberal Path Governments, not Covid-19, caused the collapse of the global economy
 | Making Heroes out of Dope Dealers & Stoners Pelosi's new Heroes Bill gives more breaks to the marijuana industry
 | Experts Testify before Senate Committee on Covid-19 Pandemic And contradict the media's fear-mongering narrative
 | A Narco-Nation of Potheads, Courtesy of George Soros Problems loom as dope is treated as harmless & 'fun'
In-Vitro Jewelry: A Step beyond Horrendous A demonic 'art' that turns human embryos into trinkets
MassResistance – Taking Action against All Odds Activists defeat a comprehensive sex-ed bill in Washington State
The 2019 March for Life: An Ecumenical Woodstock Daring a small critique of a 'sacred cow' event
12,000 Objections against Pro-Abortion Bills Illinois laws propose removing all protections for babies in the womb
Women Introduce Legislation to Defund Planned Parenthood Unabashed voices in Congress defend the rights of the unborn
Belgium Euthanized 2,309 Patients Last Years List includes children, mentally disturbed and depressed persons
Ireland, the Isle of Murderers Two-thirds of voters say 'Yes' to abortion
Americans Support Trump’s Decision to Defund Planned Parenthood A new poll shows a majority behind the 'Protect Life Rule'
Card. Dolan with Pro-Abortion Homosexual Irish PM At St. Patrick's Parade the Cardinal lends support to a pro-abortionist
Trump’s Historic Speech to the 2018 March for Life Abortion is ‘wrong, it has to change’
California House Rejects Pro-Abortion License Plates Bill to benefit the abortion industry dies in committee
 | Italian Pro-Abortionist Speaks in Church; Catholics Ejected Emma Bonino guest of honor at pro-immigration seminar
 | Planned Parenthood Pushing its Sex Agenda on Pre-Schoolers Offering sex ed perversion for the very young
 | Famous Jihadists Who Were Potheads Study provides serious evidence of drug/terrorism link
 | Networks Ignore ‘Major Blow’ to Planned Parenthood Trump signs law allowing States to defund it - Katie Yoder
 | Neil Gorsuch Defends His Opposition to Assisted Suicide 'It's always wrong,' he firmly states
 | The National Socialist Roots of Compulsory Vaccination And the role of Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes
 | China Executes Prisoners for Their Organs About 100,000 people killed per year to keep the horror transplant market
 | Assisted Suicide No Longer Just for the Terminally Ill An expanding criteria that can even include 'loneliness'
 | Euthanasia Will Not Give People Dignity Any more than abortion gave people equality...
 | Democrats’ Racist Roots Examined in New Film Hilary's America reveals the secret history of the Democratic Pary
 | Francis Awards Hollywood Pro-aborts Pope gives scandal by honoring actors Clooney, Hayek and Geres
 | The Sad Demise of a Once-Catholic University Georgetown promotes a ‘Lavender Graduation’ & Plannned Parenthood
 | How Your Money Is Being Used to Corrupt Adolescent Girls US to provide millions to 'empower' girls with sex education & contraception
 | 'I Performed Satanic Rituals inside Abortion Clinics' Former high wizard reveals how abortion is akin to Satanism
The Slaughter of Babies Brutal videos renew the debate about when life begins
 | Full Footage Video Confirms Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts Uncut video reveals some parts sold to create 'humanized' mice
 | Abortion Nearly Triples Breast Cancer Risk Well-researched Daling Report is ignored by the media
 | Catholic Relief Services Partners with Abortion Promoters Another anti-life laundry for the death peddlers
 | Doors Open for Abortion in the World’s Largest Catholic Country A comprehensive report of the approval of abortion in Brazil
 | Double Standards of ‘Good Catholics’ Using NFP A critique of when NFP is used not to have a family
 | Kermit Gosnell’s Slaying of the Innocents Snipping babies’ spines in a horror chambers called a clinic
Biden & Pelosi Commit Sacrilege at Papal Mass Complacent Bishops allow such a scandal to continue
Half Million Pro-lifers Protest 55 Million Abortions A record number gathers at the 2013 March for Life
Today's Excessive Use of NFP Used today by Catholics as birth control to limit family size
 | POLST, Conscience & Card. von Galen Beware of this third path of the euthanasia movement
Cardinal Von Galen against Euthanasia - Part I Cursed be Nazis who kill sick persons!
Cardinal Von Galen against Euthanasia - Part II Like Jerusalem, Germany will be punishment by destruction
 | Onslaught against Anti-Abortion Laws United Nations wants all countries to eliminate pro-life laws
 | Vital Organ Transplantation – A Big Lie More data to alert Catholics about the 'brain death' diagnosis
 | A Confused YouCat Teeming with Errors Faulty teaching on contraception in the Vatican catechism
 | Don’t Give Your Vital Organs - Part I New concepts of death to fit needs of transplant doctors
 | Don’t Give Your Vital Organs - Part II Well prepared propaganda to get organs from the victims’ families
 | The King and the Socialist Abortion Law Spanish Bishops excused Juan Carlos' signature on anti-Catholic law
 | The Legacy of Ted Kennedy
Part 1 - Public Sin Calls for Public Repentance Some final thoughts on the funeral of Ted Kennedy
Part 2 - Chappaquiddick: The Pathetic Legacy of Edward Kennedy Even before his pro-abortion stance, a blatant disregard for human life
Part 3 - An Incomprehensible Letter Exchange The correspondence between Ted Kennedy and Benedict XVI
 | Euthanasia Replacing Medicine Handing over the end of life to 'medical professionals'
 | Burke Hits and Runs A critique followed by a shameful apology by the Archbishop
 | The Holy See Abandons its Pro-Life Position “Therapeutic abortion” is virtually approved
 | What Is to Blame for the Demographic Catastrophe? Misinformation about the father of the pill
 | 'Nine Frozen Little Ones Hanging Out' Frozen embryos and its consequences
 | The Pregnant Man and the Bokanovsky Process When the anti-natural is considered normal...
 | Living on the Edge of the Abyss Catholic optimists and Bishops ignore Obama's pro-abortion past & promise
 | Card. Martino against St. Thomas on the Death Penalty Death penalty is not "a scandal for the human family in the 21st century"
 | Hell inside England Satan triumphs in creating human-animal hybrids
 | Young Suicide Investigating the causes for mounting teen suicides
 | Slide Show - Testimony of an Abortion Survivor Gianna Jessen tells her story
 | America’s Broken Psyche Intolerance for killing ducks ... tolerance for killing babies
 | Terri Schiavo and the Fight for Life - There Is the Resurrection The culture of death can't kill the soul
 | The Fallacy of Roe vs. Wade - Case in point: Scott Peterson An unborn child is a human being, abortion is murder