Why Should Churches Face East?
The significance of the eastward direction according Catholic tradition
How Can a Soul Suffer Physically in purgatory?
How can a disembodied spirit perform physical actions or suffer physical pain?
Speculation on the Prophecies of the End Times
Does the current situation fit the prophecies of St. Malachi?
The Charismatic Poor Clares
The Poor Clares become ever more Charismatic, serving the progressivist agenda
Advice for a Prospective Seminarian
A reader considering the priesthood asks for advice
Help for a Troubled reader
Dangerous past-times can lead one to the Devil
Masses of the Universal Living Rosary Association
Are the masses offered by the Association Valid?
Judaism and Protestantism?
What relation is there between Judaism and Protestantism?
What Do I Do About Novus Ordo Abuses?
A reader is understandably dismayed at the abuses of the Novus Ordo
Can Someone Offer Themself as an Expiatory Victim?
A husband asks if God would allow him to suffer in his wifes stead
Is This Church Really Byzantine?
Confusion on the interior of a Church
St. Thomas and the Anglicans
A reader suggests that St. Thomas legitimizes Anglican sacraments
What Authority Did Paul VI Use For the Novus Ordo?
A clarification on the authority Pope Paul VI used for the Novus Ordo
Where is Heaven?
Where does Heaven exist in the physical universe?
Did Christ Descend Into Hell or Just Limbo?
What do Doctors of the Church say about "He descended into Hell"
How Easy is it to get Possessed When New Orleans is Full of Voodoo?
What leads to demonic possession?
History and Legitmacy of Parents Blessing Their Children?
What is the tradition behind parental blessings and are they legitimate?
Are Ordinations Still Valid?
Where does TIA stand on the issue of valid ordinations?
Should I Remarry?
A reader asks for input on the validity of Novus Ordo marriages
St. Michale Prayer in Latin
A request for the St. Michael prayer in its Latin form
To Call Heretics Christian is a Grave Scandal! Is it scandal, or mere inpropriety, to call heretics adn schismtatics Christian?
These Lines Are Disrepectful to Our Lady!
A distorted view of Our Lady's invitation
30 Masses for the Dead
How to go about requesting 30 masses for a deceased relative
Is the Tridentine Creed Infallible?
A question on the dogmatic Tridentine Creed
The Rosary in Latin?
Are prayers in Latin more efficacious?
Eucharistic Flash Mobs?
A reader reports on eucharistic flash mobs
Sts. Peter and Paul Holy Days of Obligation? Questions on the feast day of Sts. Peter and Paul
Biblical Contradictions How Catholics should approach what seem to be contradictions in scripture
New Instructions From the Vatican? A reader asks for guidance in interpreting the new instructions from the Vatican
We Must Believe the Novus Ordo is Legitimate?
Further concerns over the new instructions from the Vatican
Where in L.A. Can I Attend Mass?
A question regarding traditional masses offered in the L.A. area
Where Can I Get Relics?
A reader desires relics to help those without the Faith
Can a Council be Heretical?
An interested reader asks for the traditionalist argument on Vatican II
Bin Laden in Heaven?
How can Catholic teaching on Islam have gone so far astray?
What Missal is Best?
Which Missal is the best and most free from error?
Details on Offering Reparation
How Catholics can offer reparation for sins in antiquity
Confusion on Confession
A reader inquires about the sacrament of confession
What Are Your Thoughts on the Japanese Tsunamis Being a Chastisement?
Do the tsunamis fit in to the chastisements from God? Is the whole story hidden?
The Progressivist Concept of Hell, Heaven, and Purgatory?
What is the progressivist idea of hell, heaven, and purgatory?
 | What is the "Rule" of a Religious Order? What does observance of "the Rule" mean?
 | Can You Say More About the Prelate Predicted by Mother Marianna? Can TIA comment on the texts?
 | Family Divided on the Mass A reader asks for advice on their dying mother who goes to both masses
 | Popes Before Man But Not Before God Can a Pope be Pope before men but not in the eyes of God?
 | Is Archbishop Lefebvre the Prelate to Restore Tradition? Is Lefebvre the prelate from Mother Marianna's prediction?
Baptism of Desire, Baptism of Blood Are baptism of desire and baptism of blood actually part of Catholic doctrine?
Blaire is Not Episcopalian and Judaism is Not Bad
An ojbection to TIA's reports on both Blaire and Judaism
Reasons For Missing Mass Can someone miss mass if they are sick?
Protestants are Christians? A faulty path leads to wrong conclusions
Huguenot Atrocities What atrocities did the Huguenots commit against Catholics?
The Training of Altar Boys A reader asks for advice on training boys for altar service
Holy Pride Is the holy pride and gravity of certain saints approved by the Church?
What Would You Say to the Pope? What would TIA list as changes necessary for the Church?
No More Priestly Celibacy! A reader argues for the abolition of priestly celibacy
Details on Major Feast Days The solemnizing of major feasts during Sundays raises questions
The Rosary Over Most Other Devotions? A reader asks for guidance on which devotion to perform
What is Wrong With the Charismatic Movement? A few questions about the Charismatic movement
Where Can I be Buried? An inquiry on the practice of consecrating ground
30 Gregorian Masses A tragedy leads a family to seek for 30 Gregorian masses
A New Catholic Brief advice for a new Catholic convert
Dogma on Baptisms What the Church teaches on baptism by heretics
Vegetative Life The Churches traditional view on the artifical prolongation of life
Differences in Biblical Translations Why are new translations changing the names of certain books fo the Bible?
What is the Meaning of This Bible Verse? Is the Bible referring to physical or spiritual chastisements?
Vatican II Could Not Err A readers view, and TIA's response
Holy Oils Questions on using holy oil to invoke blessings
Bridging the Gap Between the Bible and Galileo A reader offers their own translation of the Bible
Ordinariate For Anglicans Should the Pope make such exceptions for the Anglicans?
Traditonalist in the Philippines A traditionalist from the Philippines seeks guidance on defending tradition
Episcopalean Baptisms Conditional baptism is necessary under what circumstances?
Invalid Ordinations? Are post Vatican II ordinations valid?
Is Going to Heaven Easy? What can be learned from the hard life of Christ and the saints?
Conditional Baptism A question on the validity of Novus Ordo baptisms
Conditional Adoration Adoration when the consecration is in question?
30 Gregorian Masses Please Where can I get a set of 30 Gregorian masses said?
The Great Difficulties of Being a Traditionalist Advice on the difficulties of being a traditional Catholic
Our Priest is Changeing Our Practices! Dealing with progressivist priests
Why Do You Label Newman as a Modernist? How is Cardinal Newman a modernist?
Naked Without Shame? Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body merits distrust
West's Theology of the Body Christopher West and hist filthy writings should be avoided!
Judging the Dead? Is it too judgemental to say that somebody went to Hell?
Differences Between the New and Old Douay-Rheims? Which version does TIA suggest to its readers?
Interfaith Cooperation for the Betterment of Man? What is the history of interfaith efforts for purely material betterment?
Tradition is Schism! A readers assertion, and TIA's rebuttal
Different Motivation Between the Pilgrims and the Puritans? What were the religious differences between the Puritans and Pilgrims?
What Can be Done in Such Sad Times? Advice for those discouraged by our spiritually trying times
Is an Independent Priest Okay? Caution on attending a traditional mass offered by an independent priest
To Attend or Not to Attend Part II Details on priestly jurisdiction
To Attend or Not to Attend? When is it okay to stop going to mass?
Corrupt Clergy Harm the Church in Ireland A reader reports on the situation of the post Vatican II Church in Ireland
The Original St. Michael Prayer A request for the original St. Michael Prayer as composed by Pope Leo XIII
Prayer Request Please pray for my sister who is having cancer surgery
The Coming Chastisement What are the prophecies and how can we prepare?
Critique on Budhism Causes a Stir A reader reacts over a TIA article criticizing Budhism
Advice on Seminaries A request for advice on pursuing the priestly vocation
Good and Bad Conscience A reader writes regarding conscience convictions of religion
Mia-physite or Monophysite? Divisions and Sub-divisions of heresy
Historical Patterns of Heresies The historical pattern of heresies gives a false impression of determinism
Salvation of Aborted Children? Prof. Plinio and TIA's position on the salvation of abortion victims
Outrage at the Vatican Nativity A revisionist Nativity scene causes comments
Where is it in the Bible? An attack on Tradition and Revelation
The Luminous Mysteries? What is TIA's position on this dubious introduction by Pope John Paul II?
A Late Priestly Vocation A reader asks for advice regarding his late vocation to the priesthood
Occult Killings of Cats Can anyone explain the strange killings of cats that sometimes occur?
Origens of the Eastern Schism? What are the origens of the Eastern Schism?
Prophecies of St. Pius X? Is the prophecy of St. Pius X authentic?
Why are Traditional Catholics Are the Outcasts? A lament over the state of society and the Church
Preparation for the Chastisement What can Catholics do to daily prepare for the coming chastisement?
Are There Orders of Women Who Wear Veils All the Time? What religious orders wear veils at all times?
Hindu Dances in the Liturgy An attempt to defend Hindu dances
Bugnini's Missal Are there any substantial differences in Bugnini's 1962 Missal
The Errors of Judaism Shouldn't somebody refute the Talmud?
Latin Rite Priests Should be Able to Marry Too! Should priests be allowed to marry after the example of the easter rite?
A Flourishing Underground Church? A reader inquires about the words of Fr. Malachi Martin
What is Happening to Charismatics? Do charismatics have unusual breakdowns more than most people?
John Vennari is Wrong on the Charismatics! An attempt to discredit the condemnation of the Charismatic movement
Can You Give Me a Catholic Formation? A request for assistance in becoming truly Catholic
Catholicism is Incompatible with Hinduism Why Catholic practices and tradition cannot be reconciled with Hinduism
Fr. Savage's Accusations of Heresy
Fr. Savage accuses TIA of denying Christs two natures
The New Mass is Not Protestant!
Fr. Somerville on how the new mass is actually protestant
Objection to Praying the Rosary While Driving Is it too much of a distraction to pray well while driving?
Can You Teach Catechism? What catechism do you suggest?
Is This an Authentic Portrait of Fr. Antonio Margil?
Questions on a portrait
Questions About the End Times
What hope is there to hang on to in these dark times?
What About the End Times Prophecies?
How are prophecies of enduring faith reconciled with the apostasy of modernism?
A Convert from Schism Asks Questions
Questions about Catholic traditions
Fundamentals of Baptism
Is a "believers baptism" valid?
Validity of Weddings in Chapels used by Both Catholics and Protestants?
Using a military chapel for a wedding
Penances to Combat the Sins of the Modern World?
What reparation can one offer as penance for the many sins of modern man?
What Actions Incur Automatic Excommunication?
What actions automatically excommunicate someone, even if its a secret?