Did Anyone Ever do Nude Baptisms?
Does information on this even exist?
Traditional Catholic Stance on Nazism?
What is the Catholic stance regarding counter-revolution vs nazism
Would it be Good for Me to Donate Food?
Should I donate to local food pantry or the Church?
Satanic Hand Symbols
A reader elaborates on the significance of satanic hand gestures
Historical Uniform Correction
A reader corrects the description on a picture
The Etiquette of Priessts?
The etiquette for priests as suggested by Pope St. Pius X
The Disaster of Modern Company Policies
Shouldn't the Church call for a stop to business practices that corrupt morals?
How Should We Treat the Shameless Adulterers of Our Day? What tone is appropriate for Catholics when introduced to someones "partner"?
Can Mankind Dig Into Hell?
Is it possible to get physically near the place of the damned?
The Proper Form of a Syllogism?
What is the proper way to begin a syllogism?
Mailmen VS Mail-Carriers
An old photograph reveals the serenity of bygone days
A Book Review on Bloody Passovers?
What is Dr. Horvats review on "Bloody Passovers Reported by a Jewish Scholar"?
How to Begin Being a Traditionalist?
What books are good for those of us robbed of our Catholic heritage?
Can Catholics Read H.G. Wells?
Can Catholics read the fictional works of the Churchs enemies?
How Can the Pope Approve Condoms!?
The modern Church does not act according to its words
How to be Grateful and Interested Without Dishonesty How far should one go when thanking or praising?
Was the First Thanksgiving Actually in Florida? A reader suggests an even earlier Catholic Thanksgiving
Should Hats be Removed When in Protestant Temples? Details regarding etiquette when protestant locations are involved
What is the Black Nobility of Italy?
The truth about the nobles loyal to the Pope during the Italian Revolution
Modesty Should Not be Puritan!
How Catholics should dress with decorum as well as modesty
We Need a Book on Morals for Our Day and Age!
There is an increasing need for morals in todays modern situations
When is Viewing Nudity Permissable?
Nudity in cathedral and renaissance art is controversial!
Do Nuns Sign Letters?
What initials represent different religious orders
Where Can Catholics be Buried?
What if Catholic cemeteries are unavailable?
How and Why People Should Reject Freud!
A reader desires to combat the spread of Freuds errors
Are All Dances Bad?
Which dances are bad?
More on organic Society!
Where can we learn more about implementing an organic Society?
Fr. Fahey Foresaw the Crisis
Writings on Communism and the crisis of western civilization
Poisoned Popes and Cardinals?
Were Cardinal Tisserant and Pope John Paul I poisoned?
Vegetative State VS Natural Death?
How long should artificial means be used to maintain life?
Why Do You Venerate Washington?
Can we really praise a freemason president?
An Example of the False Right
A reader opposes the One World Order, but at what cost?
Doubts About the "Twilight" Series
Why such fantasy is unhealthy for youths
Modesty in Marriage?
What is proper modesty between spouses?
The Sins of Charlemagne
Truth and rumor regarding the emperor
Etiquette on Dealing with Interruptions
What should one do when someone interrupts?
Hanging a Rosary From a Rear View Mirror
Is it disrepectful to hang rosaries from car mirrors?
Writing and Addressing Christmas Cards
Tradition as a guide for writing and addressing cards
Catholic Funeral Etiquette
Questions regarding embalming
Tissues and Handkerchiefs
Should one carry a handkerchief?
Killing in Self Defense
When can a Catholic kill in self defense?
The Index of Forbidden Books
Should we dispose of forbidden books even though the index is abolished?
John Law Helped Cause the French Revolution?
To what extent did John Law cause unrest through his economic policies?
Enforcing Order During Pilgrimages
How much should be expected of todays youth during pilgrimages?
Kennedy's Marriages?
Which woman was his valid wife?
Beautiful Missions of California
Which of the beautiful California Spanish Missions can still be visited?
Thai Customs and John Paul II
What honors did Thailand really pay the Pope?
Reading H.G. Wells?
Does reading the anti-Catholics work compromise morals?
You Are Wrong on Shiva Linga
A reader asserts that TIA is wrong on the nature of Shiva Linga
Best System for a Monarchy
How can a state be protected from a bad monarch but empowering to a good one?
Pagam Symbol at the Vatican?
Why is there a pagan obelisk at the Vatican?
Can Mel Gibson be Excused?
Could a possible mental disorder excuse Mel Gibsons public scandal?
A Catholic Claimant to the English Throne?
Does the house of Stuart still have a claim to the throne?
Who is That Beside the Pope?
Who is that beside the Pope in your photo?
Women and Veils in Europe
Why have so many women in Europe stopped wearing chapel veils?
What a Beautiful Painting!
A painting shows the beauty of Catholic culture and tradition
Ridiculing Catholic Modesty
A reader ridicules the morals and modesty of Catholicism
Inventor of Birth Control Regrets the Pill?
What did the inventor of birth control pills feel about his invention later?
Be Nicer to Unwed Mothers!
Putting Ones feelings aboce the Church
Is Insurance Necessary?
A reader ponders on the the possibility of a more organic insurance system
Should I Give the Sign of Peace to Women in Mass?
The sign of peace and why it shouldn't be given at all
How to Properly Kiss the Hand of a Lady or Ecclesiastic
What is the proper method of giving a kiss on the hand?
Medieval Symbolism and Regalia
The study of medieval symbolism is important for Catholics
Were Catholics at the Alamo?
What is the Catholic side of the battle of the Alamo?
Limit to the Number of Annulments?
How many annulments can one person have?
Movie Review for "Goya's Ghost"
Where does the movie go wrong in Church History?
Traditionalist Clubs?
How can we imrpove social interaction between traditionalists after mass?
Gaudi's Art is Revolutionary?
Was Gaudi a Catholic precursor to more extravagent revolutionary art?
Were Benedictines Allowed to Eat Meat?
Why are the monks in a painting defying the rule of St. Benedict?
Cultivating Refinement
What is a good way to begin cultivating refinement?
My Job Requires Me to Compromise Catholic Teaching!
What should we do when an employer requires work for non-Catholic religions?
You Shouldn't Kiss the Hand of a Lady!
An objection to the custom of kissing on the hand
An Exaggeration in Your Article
A reader misses the subtlety of a French editorialist
Was Black only a Color for Mourning?
What is the History of mourning colors?
Should Catholics Avoid Beaches?
Are beaches enough of an occasion of sin that they should be avoided?
My Family Doesn't See the Demonic Influence on Our Culture Demonic influences are seen as normal by many in this day and age
How to Address a Jesuit in Writing
What are the proper titles and initials?
Voting Complicationse
A reader asks various voting and abortion related questions
Courtesy Towards a Woman Wearing Trousers?
Courtesy calls in even scandalous situations
Nudity by Culture?
When does culture excuse nudity?
What is the Symbolism Behind the Cock?
Traditional symbolism of the rooster
Good Family Christmas Movies Please!
A reader requests advice on good Christmas movie
More Tapes on the Formation of Children!
A request for the rest of the Formation of Children series
Can a Catholic Musician Play for an Immoral Opera? What stance should Catholics take in towards music to an immoral story?
The History of Womens Trousers? What is the history of women wearing trouser like clothing?
Articles on the Decline of Music?
Is there a study on the evil and declining tendencies of music?
Addressing Emails to a Priest
How to sign emails to a priest
Sources for Organic Society
What is the origin of your articles on Organic Society?
More of Dr. Horvats Tapes and Books Please!
A reader voices admiration for Dr. Horvats work on family, children, and civility
Information on the Decline of Morals and Manners A writer requests information on manners and morals
The Evils of Feminism
Can TIA address the evils Feminism does to marriages and families?
Manual of Civility in English Please!
A request to Dr. Horvat regarding the translation
Women Wearing Trousers is Now Acceptable!
What new clothing customs are acceptable as natural change?
How Should Adult Children Receive Parents Who Are a Scandal?
What should a grown child do about parents who divorce and re-marry?
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