Tradition In Action

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Stories & Legends

catholic How St. Andrew Punished a Lustful Mother
He saves an innocent youth with fire from heaven

catholic First Fruit of the Holy Family’s Flight to Egypt
The martyrdom of Wadamon the Armenian

catholic The Girl Who Went Blind from Too Much Study
Our Lady comes to her aid & heals her

catholic St. Nicholas & the Angry Jew
The Saint orders the thieves to return the stolen goods

catholic The Sword of St. Joan of Arc
Her 'voices' told her where she would find it

catholic The Aventine Keyhole in Rome
A spectacular view from the Knights of Malta Grand Priory

catholic Emperor Maurice Asks to Atone for His Sin on Earth
God hears his prayer & sends him a great punishment

catholic St. Vincent Ferrer Resurrects a Jew of Andalusia
Abraham is baptised Elias after he returns from the dead

catholic Drythelm Returns from Death
God resurrects the Englishman so he might recount what he was shown

catholic The Mission of the Apostle St. Jude to King Abgar
The King of Edessa sends a letter to Christ asking for a cure

catholic An Unexpected Confession Due to Our Lady 
One small devotion to Mater Dolorosa saves a hardened sinner

catholic The Fate of Herod Antipas & Salome 
How God punished them for beheading St. John the Baptist

catholic How the Animals Mourned the Coming Death of Our Lady 
Even the light of the sun & stars was dimmed

catholic The Great Miracle of the 813 Martyrs of Otranto  
Blessed Primaldo's body remained standing until all were beheaded

catholic The Grave Consequences of One Bad Painting  
The artist must suffer Purgatory until his immoral work is destroyed

catholic The Holy Emulation between Two Great Saints 
Thomas Aquinas & Bonaventure compose a Corpus Christi Mass & Office

catholic  Our Lady of Sorrows Quells an Indian Uprising
At the founding of MIssion San Gabriel in Los Angeles

catholic A Shining Cross Prepares the Indians to Accept the Gospel
A miracle prepares the way for the Franciscan Friars in California

catholic The Noble Origin of the Austrian Flag
Inspired by the battle deeds of Duke Leopold V

catholic The Holy Face Miracle of the Year 1849
Veronica's Veil become distinct & take on life

catholic St. Brigid Restores the Sight of Sister Dara
She wanted to share the great beauty of nature & God's creation

catholic The Mantle of St. Brigid
It stretches miraculously to win the land the Abbess requested

catholic St. Leocadia Rises from Death to Praise St. Ildephonsus
He had masterfully defended the perpetual virginity of Our Lady

catholic St. Salvius Returns to Earth from Paradise
God orders him to go back to be the Bishop of Albi

catholic ‘An Emperor Is in the Church, Not Over Her.’
St. Ambrose & his dispute with Emperor Theodosius

catholic A Mother’s Undue Grief
Her son beseeches from Purgatory: ‘Cease your fruitless tears’

catholic The Purgatory of High King Malachy of Ireland
He appears to Bishop St. Corpreus & tells his sufferings

catholic How the Fleur-de-lis Became the Symbol of France
Three lilies replace the three frogs on Clovis' shield

catholic St. Michael Slays a Dragon with a Small Shield & Sword
Then orders these relics to be taken to Mont Saint Michael

catholic The Ungrateful Bishop Udo Is Punished
Our Lady withdraws as the stern judgment is delivered

catholic The Great Miracle of Our Lady of Czestochowa
The confidence of a poor agonizing butcher saves his family

catholic St. Dominic Resurrects the Cardinal’s Nephew
'Napoleon, in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I say to thee, arise'

catholic St. Cyr Appears to Charlemagne
He saves him from death by a boar & asks a favor

catholic St. Mary Magdalene & the Red Easter Egg
To reward her courage God works a miracle

catholic St. George Slays the Dragon
The Saint saves the Princess & converts the Kingdom

catholic St. Dorothy & the Basket of Roses
The martyrdom of the Holy Virgin & the conversion of Theophilus

catholic St. Raymond of Peñafort Rebukes the King
A great miracle allows him to leave the Island of Mallorca

catholic 'Gregory to Satan: Return'
God allows the Wonderworker to command the devils & nature

catholic St. Martin Escapes from a Falling Pine-tree
How the pagans of Tours converted

catholic St. Dominic Savio’s Prophecy on England
'A people wandering in a thick mist & a torch alive with flames'

catholic The Seven Stars of the Carthusians
How St. Bruno founded his Order

catholic God Punishes Those Who Oppose the Rosary
A persecutor becomes a defender of the Holy Rosary

catholic 'I Go Up to Heaven to Learn'
St. Bernard appears to an Abbot in Lebanon

catholic The Death of Simon Magus
At St. Peter's command the flying magician falls from the sky

catholic The Tartars Besiege the Church of Kiev
St. Hyacinth miraculously saves the monstrance & Our Lady's statue

catholic St. George Converts the Provost's Wife
Who dies a Christian baptized in her blood

catholic The Blood of Martyrs Proclaims the Truth of the Catholic Church
A great but little known miracle of Pope St. Pius V

catholic St. Stanislaus Intercedes at the Battle of Chocim
The Saint intercedes to win from Heaven an unexpected victory

catholic St. Patrick Raises the King's Son & Daughter from the Dead
Conversion of the King & his people

catholic St. James Appears to Charlemagne
And explains the significance of the Milky Way

catholic St. John, the Inflexible Enemy of Heresy
He battled Cerinthus to maintain the purity of the Faith

catholic When England Was Catholic
It was the first to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception

catholic The Indignation of Saints Comes from God
St. Francis curses a disobedient superior

catholic A Few Moments in Purgatory
That seemed liked years to a suffering man

catholic A Ring Returned with a Message
King Edward the Confessor receives good news from St. John

catholic How a Ploughman Won Knighthood
How the Hay Clan won their coat of arms & land

catholic How Emperor St. Henry II Became Lame
'Accept this sign of God’s love for your chastity & your justice'

catholic Our Lady of Cárquere Cures the Future King of Portugal
Because her Son desires Afonso 'to destroy many enemies of the Faith'

catholic King Stephan of Hungary’s Admonitions to His Son
'Without virtue no one is fit to rule on earth or attain the heavenly kingdom'

catholic St. James Comes to the Aid of a Bishop
The Saint commands the wave to return him to his boat

catholic The Lighted Taper
Our Lady rewards Count William of Salisbury by saving his ship

catholic The Vision of St. Wilfrid
Our Lady intercedes & grants him more years of life

catholic St. Columba & the Loch Ness Monster
A miracle followed by conversions of the pagan Picts

catholic The Rosary Reforms a King’s Disorderly Life
And leads to a great victory over the Moors

catholic Queen Blanche’s Devotion to the Rosary
She follows the advice of St. Dominic

catholic The Unexpected Pilot
St. Joseph saves two shipwrecked Franciscans

catholic The Poor Widow's Gold Coin
Works a miracle & ransoms the body of St. Adalbert

catholic The Miracle of the Hand
Our Lady come to the assistance of Pope Leo the Great

catholic The Drowned Sacristan
Our Lady stops the devils from dragging him to Hell

catholic Miracles of King Ladislaus, the Warrior Saint
How God came to the aid of the King who fought for Him

catholic St. Dunstan Tweaks the Devil's Nose
Candlemas miracle predicts this great Saint of England

catholic The Haunted Hill of Rome
Pope Paschal II expels the demons around Nero's gravesite

catholic The Miracle at Sea
Abbot Aelfsige is told to celebrate the Immaculate Conception

catholic How Nicholas Became Famous for His Miracles
A miracle at sea & wheat during the famine

catholic A Polish Prince Changes His Mind
After a visit from a man released from Purgatory

catholic ‘The Black Lady’ & the Queen
The Royal Family ghost appears to warn of an approaching death

catholic A Deceased Nun Repairs for Her Frivolous Words
In the same place where she broke the silence

catholic St. Malachy's Wish Was Fulfilled
He desired to die on All Souls' Day

catholic The Cleric Who Honored the Joys of Our Lady
She comes from Heaven to deliver him from his sickness

catholic The Drunk Monk
Our Lady rescues a good monk from the Devil's snares

catholic St. Augustine Shames the Heretic Fortunatus
The Manichaean is unable to defend his false sect

catholic The Canon’s Wedding & the Virgin
Our Lady scolds an apostate canon on his wedding day

catholic A Miracle of St. James
A soldier ordered to beheaded appeals to St. James

catholic Queen Margaret of Scotland Gives Assistance from Heaven
A promise of victory at the decisive Battle of Largs

catholic Marseilles Hit by the Plague
The Bishop publicly consecrates the city to the Sacred Heart

catholic Emperor Julian Killed by St. Mercurius
God intervenes from Heaven to end the persecution

catholic The Horse Lent to Pope John I
On a mission to Constantinople to convert the Arians

catholic St. Francis of Paola Walking on the Waters
A famous miracle that made him patron of sailors

catholic St. Theobald & the Poor Soul
A soul imprisoned in ice asks for 30 Masses

catholic The One the Devils Fear the Most
St. Dominic forces the devils to admit their greatest enemy 

catholic Our Lady Protects Her Warriors Fighting the Albigensian Heresy
Against impossible odds, they won victories for the Catholic Cause

catholic St. Dominic Raises a Young Man from the Dead
Pope Honorius II orders the miracle be announced in Rome's churches

catholic Our Lady Saves a Pregnant Woman
Waves overtake her on her way back from Mass on Mont St. Michel

catholic The Shipwrecked Pilgrim Saved by the Virgin
A ship capsizes on route to the Holy Land

catholic Jeronimo, the New Bishop of Pavia
How Our Lady chooses a Bishop to her liking

catholic Two Women Who Entered Crusading History
One for a 16-year wait; the other for an indignant scolding

catholic St. Sabinus Fights alongside the Lombard King
Miraculous intervention brings the Lombards to the Catholic Faith

catholic St. Peter of Verona & the Manicheans
The Saint exposes a false vision

catholic The Image Miraculously Spared by the Flames
From the manuscripts of the Mont Saint Michel Abbey

catholic The Greedy Farmer
His custom to address Holy Mary releases him from the Devil's chains

catholic The Prior & Uberto the Sexton
A foulmouthed Prior saved for praying well his Office to Our Lady

catholic The Pilgrim Deceived by the Devil
St. James appeals to Our Lady to return a dead pilgrim to life

catholic The Devout Thief
Our Lady has mercy on her servant hanged for his crimes

catholic The Charitable Pauper
Our Lady tells him: 'The time has come to collect your wages'

catholic The Chasuble of St. Ildephonsus
How Our Lady rewards those who serve her well

catholic Why St. Anthony Is Invoked for Lost & Mislaid Things
A stolen manuscript is returned immediately

catholic Miracles of the Crusades - I
The discovery of the Holy Lance in the Battle of Antioch

catholic Miracles of the Crusades - II
An army from Heavens assists the Crusaders at Antioch

catholic Miracles of the Crusades - III
The Maccabees: a precedent that led the Crusaders to victory

catholic Miracles of the Crusades - IV
Maccabees warriors Eleazar and Judas inspire the Crusaders

catholic A Sermon on the Rosary Works a Conversion
Assisted by Our Lady, a sinner perseveres in virtue to the end

catholic Through Our Lady, a Heretic Converts
A Scotsman abjures his error & enters the Company of Jesus

catholic Sins Cancelled, Book Becomes White
Through the intercession of Our Lady

catholic A Resurrected Man Chooses to Return to Purgatory
A famous miracle worked by St. Stanislaus of Krakow

catholic Blessed Alan de la Roche & the Revival of the Rosary
In a time of crisis Our Lady orders the revival of the Rosary

catholic Our Lady Instructs St. Dominic to Preach the Rosary
The best means to convert sinners and fight heresy

catholic The Conversion of a Saracen Prince
He assists at the Holy Sacrifice & sees the Christ Child

catholic Our Lady Saves a Youth Gone Astray
Because he will not deny Our Lady, she intercedes for him

catholic The Hermit Macarius Saves an Innocent Man
An accused man finds refuge in the cave of the Desert Father

catholic The Marvelous Origins of the Caravaca Cross
Why the angels brought this famous two-armed Cross

catholic How St. Bernard Dealt with Arnold of Brescia
He preached against the miserablist monk

catholic The Doves of Bombarral
The marvelous episode of three faithful sentinels of Our Lady of Fatima

catholic How Cyprian the Magician Became a Saint
St. Justina conquers with the Sign of the Cross

catholic A Promise Fulfilled
A Franciscan appears to his Dominican friend from Purgatory

catholic The Legend of St. Thomas or ‘Pai Sumé’
Evidence that St. Thomas the Apostle evangelized in South America

catholic The Statue Thanks a Merciful Knight
A charming legend from the Cantigas de Santa Maria

catholic The Victory of Pascal Vives
A reward for fervently hearing Masses

catholic 'Blessed Are They Who Do Not See and Believe'
The vision of Hugh of Saint Victor & the faith of St. Louis

catholic An Indian Boy Learns His Prayers
A favor from Heaven at Fr. DeSmet's St. Mary Mission in Montana

catholic Considered Beyond Hope, An Old Woman Is Saved
Through a smidgen of true devotion to Our Lady

catholic A Vile Lord Repents
Thanks to his devotion to the dolors of Mary

catholic The Knight of the Costrel
Our Lady helps a proud knight fulfil his quest

catholic Cluny & the Birth of All Souls’ Day
Abbot St. Odilo hears a plea for prayers for the deceased

catholicThe Sword of St. Galgano
How a wayward Italian knight found the path to God & sanctity

catholicHow a Spanish Peasant Earned a Coat of Arms
Alfonso VIII rewards him for his help in the Battle of Navas de Tolosa

catholicSt. Patrick & the Robber Chief
The impressive contrition of two converts of the Saint of Ireland

catholicThe First Creche Made by St. Francis
St. Bonaventure reports how his Master started this tradition

catholicMarseilles’ Unique Tribute to Notre Dame de la Garde
Model ships & marine paintings fill the exquisite Basilica

catholicSt. Bernard Converts the Duke of Aquitaine
The power of the Holy Eucharist subdues the impious William

catholicThe Angels & the Apostles Peter & Paul
Angelic assistance in times of dire need

catholicThe Holy Miracle of Santarem
A 13th century miracle attests to the Real Presence in the Eucharist

catholic The Cock and the Wolf
A cock who repents of his pride and is saved

catholic The Providential Three Windows
The discovery of a picture of St. Barbara

catholic Bolivia’s Virgen del Socavón or Virgin of Candlemas
A massive new statue for Oruro, Bolivia

catholicThe Fox & the Young Turkeys
How the fox outsmarts the over-wary birds

catholicHeretics Worked Miracles by the Aid of the Devil
How the Bishop exposed the false preachers

catholicThe History of the S.A.G. Abbreviation
A pious custom to ensure safe mail delivery

catholicOur Lady, Consoler of Suffering Souls
How the devotion to the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady saved a soul from Hell

catholic The Conversion of the Duke of Gandia Francis de Borja
The sight of Empress Isabella's corpse changed his life

catholicThe Fox and the Crow
The crafty fox uses flattery to trick the vain crow

catholicSt. Francis Xavier Raises a Man to Life
He works great miracles to convert the people of India

catholicChant Royal on Lent
A French lyrical poem calling for penance & contemplation

catholicSt. Patrick Wins the Right to Judge Ireland
He fasts & prays for 40 days on Ireland's 'holy mountain'

catholicSt. Patrick Converts the King’s Daughters
Ss. Eithna the Red and Fidelm the Fair

catholicIf Your Eye Causes You to Sin...
St. Francis discusses with Sultan Al-Kamil during the Fifth Crusade

catholicWhen a Pilgrim’s Request Is Refused
A woman refuses bread to a pilgrim on route to Santiago de Compostela

catholicThe Flowers of St. Patrick
A mysterious blossoming each year in France at Christmas time

catholicA Forgotten Promise
A deceased friend appears to Blessed Suso to ask for Masses

catholicFive Hundred Francs in a Closet
A woman in Pugatory returns to ask for Masses

catholicSt. Patrick Converts the King of Tara
The challenge where the chief Druid priest was burned by fire

catholicSt. Patrick Challenges the Druid Priests
The Saint's victories on the Hill of Slane

catholicThe Newlyweds, the Witch & the Mule
The eucharistic miracle of Offida

catholicThe First Victory of Bertrand du Guesclin
How he borrowed a horse and won the prize of valor

catholic The King & the Rosary
The good example of King Alphonsus wins Our Lady's intercession

catholic A Mother’s Counsel
Dhuoda exhorts her son William to faithfully serve his Lord

catholic The Moors Could Not Destroy Our Lady’s Image
A sign for King Alfonso X of the Virgin's protection

catholicThe Alb of St. Bon, Bishop of Clermont
Our Lady rewards her servant with a heavenly vestment

catholicOrder in the Medieval Battle
Obedience and discipline were essential in a cavalry charge

catholicThe Lourdes’ Miracle of Gabriel Gargam
Our Lady cures a paralyzed man both spiritually & physically

catholicHow Ambrose Was Chosen Bishop of Milan
The voice of a babe called out 'Ambrose bishop'

catholicTuotilo, the Monk of St. Gall
A heavenly assistant directs his sculpting of a statue in Metz

catholicThe Devil and the Painter Monk
Our Lady helps a monk who paints the ugliest Devil possible

catholicNuestra Señora de las Nieves, Patroness of Tobacco Growers
A devotion springs up organically from the people of Cuba

catholicThe Wakefield Shepherd's Play
A light comedy introduces devotion to Our Lady

catholicOur Lady of Mantua in Prague
A bullet fired at Our Lady returns to hit the shooter

catholicDom Nuno, the Mirror of Portuguese Chivalry
The great piety & justice of the founder of the House of Bragança

catholicOur Lady Rewards those Devoted to Her Sorrows
Some examples of her unlimited gratitude

catholicThe Nine Worthies
The model ideals of chivalry - Old Testament, Antiquity & Middle Ages

catholicThe Road to Hell - I
St. John Bosco explains how human respect leads to all vices

catholicThe Road to Hell - II
How to avoid Hell: Obedience & frequenting the Sacraments

catholicThe Road to Hell - III
Entering the dwelling of the reprobrates

catholicThe Road to Hell - IV
How immodesty & theft lead to Hell

catholicThe Road to Hell - V
Touching the outer wall of Hell

catholicOn the Eve of Corpus Christi, the Miracle at Metz
A young woman is cured at the 40 Hours devotion

catholicIn Milwaukee a Protestant Converted by the Eucharist
After he promises to say a Hail Mary every Sunday

catholicThe Resurrections Worked by St. Francis of Paola
The great wonder worker raises up his nephew from the dead

catholicThe Power of Our Lady's Picture
St. Alphonsus de Liguori writes about two surprising changes of heart

catholicApparition of the Holy Cross over Jerusalem on Pentecost
St. Cyril reports the prodigy to the Emperor Constantius

catholicThe Superb Memory of St. Thomas Aquinas
A trained memory was his indispensable tool

catholicA Last Vision of St. Patrick
The Apostle of Ireland sees the Church in ruins

catholicThe Brave Boast of Pedro de Menezes
"With this stick, I will defend Ceuta against all the Moors"

catholicThe Seven Sleepers of Ephesus
God works a miracle to confirm the doctrine of the resurrection of the body

catholicBr. Ruffino & the False Apparitions
St. Francis exposes a ruse of the Devil

catholicRain and Earth Make Mud
Bl. Jordan of Saxony on the monk's relations with ladies

catholicGod Accepted Their Via Crucis
How the soul of Prince Charles Lowenstein left Purgatory

catholicThe Alms of the Neapolitan Woman
The Mass she asked for liberated a soul from Purgatory

catholicCharlemagne’s Envoy among the Greeks
The Frank outsmarts the Greeks in their own land and comes home safe

catholicThe Worldly Bishop & Charlemagne
The Emperor orders a merchant to trick the mundane Prelate

catholicCharlemagne’s Love for Wisdom
How he encouraged the learning on his empire

catholicCharlemagne’s Care for Singing
How he made Church chant uniform throughout his empire

catholicExtraordinary Facts about the Carmelite Scapular
Evidence of the great benefits of the brown scapular

catholicThe Arms of Lorraine & Visconti
Family pride in the Crusader origins of their ensigns

catholicThe Blind Monk
The monk who asked to see Our Lady

catholicHard Labor for God
How the medieval people built their cathedrals

catholicThe Legend of the Ermine of Our Lady
How King Arthur entered single combat with a pagan and won Brittany

catholicThe Star of the Sea
St. Bernard teaches: 'Look to the star, call upon Mary'

catholicThe Water of Count Gerald of Aurillac
How God honored this Saint with the gift of miracles

catholic‘There is a Hell, and I Am in It’
Two Russian generals make a serious agreement

catholicCharles VII, King of France by Divine Delegation
St. Joan of Arc asks the King for a gift

catholicAugustine and the Seashell
The lesson he received from a boy playing on the beach

catholicThe Power of One Hail Mary
How two hardened sinners changed their lives

catholicSimon de Montfort’s Good Habit
A difficult battle is won through recourse to Our Lord during Mass

catholicThe Miracle of the Jewish Boy
Our Lady protects a child from his father's wrath

catholicThe Humility of King Canute
To teach us a lesson, he commands the ocean waves to stop

catholicSt. Clare and the Saracens
The invaders flee before St. Clare and the Blessed Sacrament

catholicThe Bread of the Strong
The Blessed Sacrament gives us victory over ourselves and our enemies

catholicServing the King of Kings First
Two episodes on the Mass in England

catholicThe Witness of St. Stanislaus
The Saint raises a man from death to testify before the King

catholicThe Forty Martyrs of Sebaste & the Baptism of Blood
As one of them apostatizes, a Roman sentinel receives the missing crown

catholicThe Three Bottles of Wine
God punishes an innkeeper for profaning the Sacrament of Confession

catholicHow to Correct One’s Peers with Charity
An Abbot receives a fraternal correction for his worldly way of sitting

catholicThe Old Woman, the Butcher & the Captain
The weight of one Mass converts two skeptics

catholicThe Rainbow Crossing Miracle
Our Lady of Pompt Succor works a miracle for Archbishop Janssens

catholicThe Scapular that Saved Two Lives
Our Lady protects a German soldier in a time of danger

catholicThe Baker’s Dog of Lisbon
God gives us a lesson on our duty to the Blessed Sacrament

catholicThe Conversion of the Moor of Pamplona
A documented bi-location of Ven. Mary of Agreda in Spain

catholicHow a Mule ‘Adored’ the Blessed Sacrament
St. Anthony of Padua accepts a challenge of heretic Bovillus

catholicThe Immaculate Conception in the Age of Discovery
Spain's glory: The devotion of the Catholic Monarchs and Columbus

catholicThe Omelet of Mère Poulard
A marvelous dish we still find today at Mont Saint Michel

catholicThe King and the Blessed Sacrament
Charles II of Spain shows his great respect for the Sacred Host

catholicHow to Dress in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament
An impious act of affront to Our Lord is duly punished

catholicHow St. Gregory the Great Was Elected Pope
He fled the honor but the people returned him to Rome

catholicThus Were the Bishops of Better Times...
How St. Dunstan treated an erring King and adulterous Count

catholicThe Final Words of the Salve Regina
An invitation for us to come to Our Lady with all our needs

catholicThe Siege of the Alcazar of Toledo
Colonel Moscardó refuses to surrender - even at the cost of his son's life

catholicFruits of Medieval Devotion to Our Lady
Tenderness to the Virgin refined the early medieval man

catholicCourage and Obedience
Even the enemies of the Crusaders admired their dedication

catholicFrom Paradise St. Dominic Savio Teaches Us
He appears to Don Bosco in a dream to promote devotion to Our Lady

catholicThe Eucharistic Miracle of Avignon
The Blessed Sacrament is miraculously preserved in the flood of 1433

catholicQueen Blanche of Castile and the Rosary
Through a miracle she gave birth to St. Louis IX

catholicThe Legend of the Dogwood
The dogwoods blossom reminding man of Our Lord's crucifixion

catholicThe Medievals Were Barbarians …
In fact, modern man marvels at their gothic architecture

catholicThe Divided Horsecloth
The improvident merchant who gave all his property to his son

catholicThe Knights of St. James of the Sword
The four vows of the Order of Santiago

catholicThe Paternity of St. Gregory VII
His letter to a humble Milan priest maimed by simoniacs

catholicThe Curé d'Ars and the Protestant
An example of the Saint's charitable intolerance

catholicSultan Saladin Describes the Crusaders
In a letter to Arabian princes, Saladin praises the zeal of Catholics

catholicThe Prayers of a Knight
How the medieval knight took his religious obligations seriously

catholicSt. Francis on Custody of the Eyes
The story of the King and his two messengers

catholicSt. Louis, Warrior and Saint
Militancy harmonized with goodness in the greatest King of France

catholicThe Harmonious Relations between Nobles and Monks
The solicitude of the Duke of Aquitaine for the monks

catholicWhen Even Wolves Kept Their Word…
St. Francis and the wolf of Gubbio

catholicThe Moral Education of the Future Knight
The good counsel of noble parents to their son

catholicA Renewed Interest in the Mary Gardens
Flowers that remind us of Our Lady's qualities and virtues

catholicRanulf of Chester
A charming case of Heaven's intervention in medieval life

catholicNaivety or a Higher Understanding of Things?
The symbolism medievals found in all of nature, especially flowers

catholicThe Rooster of Barcelos
The story and miracle behind this regional symbol of Portugal

catholicThe Investiture of the Knight
A night of prayer, a day of festivities and proof of prowess

catholicChantecler and the Fox
The cock outwits the fox in his proclamation of universal brotherhood

catholicHonor, a Counter-Revolutionary Virtue
How honor was admired and understood in Medieval France

catholic Hernan Perez del Pulgar, 'The One of the Valiant Deeds'
The panache of the Catholic knight during the seige of Granada against the Moors

catholicThe Story of Two Students
The clemency and compassion of Our Lady for those who have devotion to her

catholicThe Tumbler of Our Lady
She accepts any sincere homage even the most simple

catholicThe Story of Lady Anne Grimston
How a great tree came to grow from the grave of this unbelieving lady

catholicOne Un-Confessed Mortal Sin
A story form The Catechist

catholicThe Moral Profile of an Inquisitor
From the Manual of Dominican Bernard Gui

catholicTheophilus: The Man Who Sold His Soul to the Devil
How Our Lady rescued him from his pact

catholicThe Medieval Fish
St. Anthony preaches on the banks at Rimini

catholic'Thief! Thief!'
The Bourgeois of Amiens returns a purse

catholicThe Roses and the Rosary
Hail-Mary's seen as roses

catholicThe Twelve Days of Christmas Carol
Catholic wisdom sprinkled in a song

catholicExempla: Stories that Teach Catechism
The runaway nun is stopped - A mother's useless tears

catholicThe Monkey Under the Bed
The Three Hail-Marys save a man

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