What People Are Asking

Tradition In Action

Revolution & Counter-Revolution

Revolution and Counter Revolution


catholicWhere Is the Conciliar Church Heading?
To a pan-religion to serve a socialist universal government

catholicWhat Should the Pope Do to Correct the Church?
Stop Ecumenism, abandon Progressivism & return to the pre-Vatican II Church

catholicWhat Do You Think about the Theology of the Body?
It is a 'blessed eroticism' meant to justify scandal and sin

catholicWhat about West's Comments on the Theology of the Body?
Avoid him; he promotes sodomy & anti-natural practices for married couples

catholicWhat about Interfaith Cooperation for the Betterment of Man?
These meetings were condemned by Leo XIII & Pius XI

catholicWhy Don't You Call Progressivists Heretics?
For us Progressivism is synonymous with the worst possible heresy

catholicIs Vatican II Infallible or Heretical?
It did not intend to be infallible; heresy appears only in its fruits

catholicIs Vatican II Heretical for Calling the Heretics 'Christians'?
This is an imprecision of language, not a heresy

catholicWeren't All Councils Infallible? So, Vatican II Could Not Err
This is not true; here are two examples of councils that erred in the past

catholicWhat Is the Plan behind the Peace Propaganda?
The revolutionary idea of a peace without God & without the fight

catholicWhy Is the Inculturation Promoted by JPII Bad?
Because it accepts the errors & bad customs of those peoples

catholicWhat Do You Think about the Luminous Mysteries?
It is a way to sabotage the Rosary by making it more difficult; more here

catholicCan You Clarify Doubts on Novus Ordo Confessions?
Read this series on the topic by Fr. Somerville posted on our site

catholicShould I Take Part in the Social Work of Progressivists?
Take this test to see whether you are prepared to join in

catholicCan You Give Me Information on this Ugly Hall in the Vatican?
It was ordered by Paul VI and took his name after his death: Paul VI Hall

catholic Why Do You Label Newman as a Pre-Modernist?
Because he was a liberal against Papal Infallibility & Papal Primacy

catholicWere There Ever Persecutions Like the Ones We Have in India?
Yes, Protestants violated Catholic women, especially nuns

catholicHow Do We Bring Back Catholics to the Church with a Corrupted Clergy?
Study the root problem – Vatican II – and join us in the Resistance

catholicWhat Do You Think about this Outrageous Vatican Nativity?
We expressed our opinion in the article A Revisionist Vatican Nativity Scene

catholicAre These People Dancing Really Franciscans?
We know no more than you do

catholicWhy Don't You  Accept Hindu Dances in the Catholic Liturgy?
These dances were born from idolatry & they worship the Devil, not God

catholicWhy Are You against Married Priests When an Eastern Precedent Exists?
The Church only tolerates Eastern married priests; the situation is far from perfect

The Charismatic Movement

catholicWhat is Wrong with the Charismatic Movement?
Read the book TIA published on the topic; then we will deal with your question

catholicWhy the Mental Breakdown in the Charismatics in New Jersey?
You can find answers about the Charismatics here, here, here & here

catholicWhy Don't You Take the Baseless Book on Charismatics off Your List?
It is a very serious & documented work; your criticism seems unjust


catholicWhat Is the Connection between Judaism & Protestantism?
Judaism inspired Protestantism & the other three Revolutions

catholicYou Say Anglican Sacraments Are Invalid. What about Its Baptisms?
They can be valid, but each case must be duly analyzed

catholicHow Do You Explain Biblical Contradictions?
When a contradiction seems to appear, it is due to our poor understanding

catholicWhy Do You Call Blaire Episcopalian When He Is Anglican?
The Anglicans are called Episcopalians in the U.S. but are the same sect

catholicHow Can You Say Protestants Are Not Christians When the Popes Do So?
Conciliar Popes are wrong in this case as when they say Luther is not a heretic

catholicCan You Give Me Evidence of the Huguenot Atrocities?
Yes. They killed 50 Catholic Prelates in 1561, starting the religious wars in France

catholicWhy Does TIA Change the Names of Some Biblical Books?
It was the progressivists who changed them to please the Protestants & Jews

catholicWhy Don't Catholics Change Their Bible, Which Contains Errors?
We are quite secure about the accuracy of the Vulgate translated by St. Jerome

catholicWhat Do You Think about the Ordinariate for Anglicans?
We answered this question in the article Conversion of the Anglicans

catholicWhy Did the Church Stop Ministering Conditional Baptism to Protestants?
This was a progressivist innovation coming from the heresy of universal salvation

catholicI Was Episcopal & Not Conditionally Baptized. Should I Receive It Now?
Yes, you should

catholicWhere Is It in the Bible that an Angel Appeared to Joachim & Anne?
It is from Tradition, not the Bible. By denying Tradition, you are blind in one eye

catholicWas My ‘Believer's Baptism’ Valid?
Here is Catholic doctrine on this topic with due application to your case

catholicAre Weddings in Ecumenical Chapels Valid?
We believe they are valid, but highly inconvenient

catholicIs Heaven in the Physical Universe?
Yes, it is. The Catholic Church confesses this in the Creed

Judaism & Islamism

catholicDid You See the S.P.L.C. Attacked You as Anti-Semitic?
Yes, we did; here is our refutation

catholicWhy Don't You Refute the Talmud?
We have done so partially in an article & booklet

catholicWhere Is the Evidence that the Jews Persecuted the Church?
TIA provided a long list of this evidence available here

catholicWhere Can I Find the Catholic Doctrine on Islam?
In the Summa against the Gentiles by St. Thomas Aquinas


catholicWhy Shouldn't Dorothy Day Embrace Communism?
Because it was condemned by the Church

catholicShould We Expect a Communist Dictatorship in the U.S.?
The government & the banks seem to be moving in this direction

catholicAre May 1st Celebrations of St. Joseph Catholic or Communist?
The celebrations were communist; connecting them to St. Joseph is suspicious

catholicWas It the Church that Made the Revolution Possible in Cuba?
You may read about the Church's role in the revolution here

catholicCan Catholics Use Weapons against Communism?
Yes, it is justified in Natural Law & Catholic doctrine

catholicWhen Did the Pope Abandon the Chinese Catholics?
In June 2007 Benedict XVI betrayed the Underground Church

Freemasonry & Gnosis

catholicIs Pope Francis a Mason?
He is a member of the Rotary & close to Masonry, see here, here, here & here

catholicWas John Paul II a Mason?
He and the other conciliar Popes defended the ideas of Masonry

catholicWas John XXIII a Mason?
There are lots of rumors, but to date no conclusive evidence came forth

catholicWas Archbishop Bugnini a Mason?
Please, read this posting and come to your own conclusions

catholicWas Card. Martini a Mason?
It seems that he was; read this praise the Italian Freemasonry gave him

catholicWhy Do Freemasons Approve of Mother Teresa?
Because she and they share the common desire of a Pan-religion

catholic Are the Knights of Malta Members of Freemasonry?
No; here is the history of this Catholic Order

catholicAre the Masons Still Fighting the Church?
They stopped fighting her because today's Conciliar Church defends their ideas

catholicHow Could Our Lady Mention Masonry in Quito If It Didn't Exist?
As a secret society it has existed since the 14th century

catholicCould You Present a Catholic Critique of Stoicism?
Yes. Stoics were materialists, immanentists & fatalists

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